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Abbie Knaub
Recent Activity
The story of the interactions/relationship between Saul and David just blows me away every time I read it. And David's integrity while he waited/hoped. May God give us each His strength - and the grace to ask for it.
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"he won’t stop being who he is, even at the risk of losing his hope" I've been thinking a lot about being real to myself and those around me - even at the expense of mt "good girl" reputation. Bet you know where I got that. :)
Toggle Commented Oct 5, 2011 on Right to the edge of hope at New Life'n
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It's so hard to believe that MY problem, MY issue could just be gone like that. But there's your story. And God works in his way and his time. If I let him. I want to let him.
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Hmm. I keep hoping one day I'll discover my passion ... it might be getting people - especially women - to connect. Or raising kids. At least that's what all my time and energy currently go to.
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I want my marriage to be real, exciting and amazing. I want my marriage to be real, exciting and amazing! (Oh my, that is scary, and hopeful. Does repeating it really help?)
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Abbie Knaub is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 5, 2011