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Abbie Knaub
Recent Activity
The story of the interactions/relationship between Saul and David just blows me away every time I read it. And David's integrity while he waited/hoped. May God give us each His strength - and the grace to ask for it.
Finding hope beyond the end of hope
How hopeless can it get, and yet still happen? David’s hope was to be a king. It was never his idea, but he didn’t shy away from it. It was not wishful thinking. It was a promise—hope anchored in a promise from someone who never breaks promises. Most of the things we hope for are not promises; D...
"he won’t stop being who he is, even at the risk of losing his hope"
I've been thinking a lot about being real to myself and those around me - even at the expense of mt "good girl" reputation. Bet you know where I got that. :)
Right to the edge of hope
Part of the 31 Days of Scary Hope series. We’re looking at stories that encourage us to go from IS to COULD BE. This story is about shoe sales, decorating on a budget, and fudge without calories. Psyche! Just kidding! I said that because I know it’s all girls reading and I don’t want you to stop...
It's so hard to believe that MY problem, MY issue could just be gone like that. But there's your story. And God works in his way and his time. If I let him. I want to let him.
From beer to eternity: yes, people change. I did.
31 Days of Scary Hope : encouragement to go from IS to COULD BE. Yesterday, you heard a bit of my wife’s story. Today, mine. Neither one of us could change. But we did. See, there’s hope. That guy holding the kid in the picture at the top of the page? That’s me, holding the Nester. I’d been drin...
Hmm. I keep hoping one day I'll discover my passion ... it might be getting people - especially women - to connect. Or raising kids. At least that's what all my time and energy currently go to.
31 Days of Scary Hope (day 2): the un-scary part
Any other men doing this 31 Days thing? (chirp...chirp...) Fortunately, I have experience being a lonely man in the Fam. To subscribe to automatically receive each day of 31 Days of Scary Hope : encouragement to go from IS to COULD BE, click HERE. We're still just starting... ---- Hope is a wond...
I want my marriage to be real, exciting and amazing. I want my marriage to be real, exciting and amazing! (Oh my, that is scary, and hopeful. Does repeating it really help?)
31 Days of Scary Hope : encouragement to go from IS to COULD BE
"31 Days of..." is an October let's-make-life-better thing that a mob of great women, including my daughters, are teaming together to do all month. Read 'em all and be blessed HERE. To subscribe to automatically receive 31 Days of Hope : encouragement to go from IS to COULD BE in a reader or y...
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Oct 5, 2011
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