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I'm a mom, writer, knitter, scrapbooker, and reader who lives in Silicon Valley. Click on "About" to see my list of "40 by 40" as I get ready for the big Four-Oh!!
Interests: nighttime is really the best time to work. all the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep. --catherine o'hara
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I've tried to comment three times now so forgive me if this is a repeat! Your pages and photos are beautiful!
Hey Betty! I've loved their products for a long time, but just hadn't used the pocket pages. Other than that, I've been a dedicated fangirl. ;)
Thank you so much! It was a blast to use these products.
I adore my Slice -- it is the only die cutter I use! And I am thrilled you have a blog devoted to fun projects -THANK YOU!
Those bookmarks are fab. I see a project on m future -- when I put it on my blog, I'll post the link!
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2010 on Cosmo Cricket Wanted at Cosmo Cricket
1 reply
I am all over reading that site. LOVE IT.
Toggle Commented Sep 18, 2010 on Hush little baby... at kellicrowe
I'd be happy to guest blog for ya while you're gone. I'll even do it in rhyme! Travel safe and have a good time! (I'm practicing...)
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2010 on Off to Scrapfest! at Cosmo Cricket
1 reply
The photos say it all!
Toggle Commented Sep 12, 2010 on indescribable. at Stephanie Howell
1 reply
Way too sweet! Take your time - we will be here when you come back. :)
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2010 on be back soon at Stephanie Howell
1 reply
How fantastic! And he looks young enough to be the big brother. :) xoxox Lain Making your scrapbooking fun, fast and fabulous!
Toggle Commented Sep 9, 2010 on Congratulations Grandpa Lindsay! at Cosmo Cricket
1 reply
Fabulous! I can think of some fun Halloween ideas with this process. Thanks!
That beach bum is adorable!
1 reply
Toggle Commented Sep 8, 2010 on Homeschool: Reviewing for a Test at kellicrowe
How cute is that??!
Toggle Commented Sep 7, 2010 on At last... at kellicrowe
On my way to Atlanta for a conference, and I have all these random observations I feel I must share. They aren't really scrapbooky, and they aren't 30 Minute Martha-related, either, so I will post my snarky comments here: 1. Who on the planet DOESN'T know that you can't take a bottle of water through security??? Geez, the dude in front of me must have been in a coma for the last 10 years. He looked completely shocked when the security agent told him he had to drink it or dump it. Duh. There should be a screening process for... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2010 at Five Things
 Thanks again, Irene! xoox L Lain Ehmann Life doesnt have to be perfect to be good. [email protected] 408.348-2156
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2010 on Does Scraplifting Suck? at Five Things
Did you know all sorts of things are going on elsewhere? For scrapbooking news and ideas: For ideas for creating a fab family with less stress: Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2010 at Five Things
What a cool giveaway! I'm a big-time planner and lister. Organization is key, though I had to relax a bit when I had kids!
1 reply
 OOh, I will have to quote him! Those French writers are such smart gents. :) xoxo L Lain Ehmann Life doesnt have to be perfect to be good. [email protected] 408.348-2156
Toggle Commented Jun 25, 2010 on 5 Ways to Be a Multitasking Mom at Five Things
Happy Reveal day and welcome to our blog hop! I love contests and blog hops, and what better way to kick off the month than to share a little somethin' somethin' with you all? Here is A Bend in the Road, this month's kit: I had a lot of fun with this month's kit. Outside my normal choices of colors and patterns, so it was a blast to stretch my wings! This one is an OLDIE. It's from when we lived in Boston "before," 10 years ago! The tortoise statue is at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2010 at Five Things
 Its yours! I have a calendar from them, too, that Ill throw in... Its from 2007 and theres a layout for each day. I had it spiral bound. :) My paypal is [email protected] xoox L Lain Ehmann Life doesnt have to be perfect to be good. [email protected] 408.348-2156
It's spring cleaning time! Today, it's all about idea books... I've provided links to photos/descriptions where available. First come, first served. Paypal only. International shipping extra. Thanks! The Simple Scrapbooks set: SOLD The Autumn Leaves set: $22 + $5 media shipping (all in lightly used, nearly new condition) The Book Book (retail $12.95) Designing With Fabric (retail $17.99) Designing With Stamping (retail $19.99) Designing With Words (retail $16.95) Designing With Texture (retail $14.95) The Creating Keepsakes set: SOLD The Becky Higgins set: $25 + $5 media shipping (both brand new!) Scrapbooking Secrets (retail $14.95) My Creative Companion: The Ultimate Scrapbooking... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2010 at Five Things
Sorry to do this to you, but I'm overwhelmed! I've got a lot of fun projects brewing, and I'm trying to integrate/evaluate everything. So this blog is going on hiatus for a tad bit of time. Don't worry... you can still find me here: Multitasking-Moms where I talk about parenting, juggling it all (haha!), making your ideas into reality, and other random stuff. Or here: 30-Minute Martha, home of the 30 minute mommy, crafter, organizer, homemaker, chef, etc. where I just started a series on 10 ways to connect with your pre-teen. Or here at Layout A Day for all... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2010 at Five Things
As I get ready for LOAD (Layout a Day, people!), I am realizing that photography is still my weak spot. I think I need this eBook, NOW! Off to buy it... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2010 at Five Things
Yes, its gone.. Sorry! Sent from my iPhone
Toggle Commented Apr 22, 2010 on silhouette for sale! at ScrapHappy