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Teresa C.
On the search for a blue, blue life.
Interests: hmmm. i'm one of those people that doesn't have any interests. you know. if you asked me if i have read any good books lately i'd say i don't read. pretty much i spend my days dusting, mopping and puttering around looking forward to wheel of fortune.
Recent Activity
I'm pulling out all the stops and starting with the cute! My little girl at her birthday party. LOOK AT THOSE PIGGY TOES!! It's been a year. And it continues to be one. There is just a LOT going on.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2015 at Knitting the Blues
I've wanted to pen (haha, tap out) a post on my adventures in reading for this year, but here we are and I'm on day 4 of some cruddy, icky thing that throws a new symptom at me daily (today's... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
I'm quickly posting from my husband's iPad. You know that means one thing and one thing only. The Genius Bar has my laptop. My phone is also experiencing technical difficulties. Hooray! Tomorrow, provided I have a better way to post,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
Random list and it may be a short one because I'm having trouble coming up with the first item on the random thought list. Not a single thought. If I was meditating this would be what I was striving for.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
Because I have been getting other things done, other works. In progress. So this is my NaKniSweMo update: I'm feeling optimistic. Thirty-seven. I was going to at least wind the skein into a ball, but was side-tracked by a busy,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
Again, I am writing my list without reading anyone else's, so any crossover is unintentional and means we have the same great taste! Stravinsky Ella Fitzgerald, there just no teaching what she could do (and not enough room in this... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
Hmmmm...... It was laid back and lazy spent doing, among other things, the following: reading tv catching up eating (out with Pete and Erin) birthday partying ding-a-linging (I started ringing with a bell choir for the holidays) holiday music listening... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
We got a new niece! My girls got a new cousin and Reagan a first cousin once removed, thanks to my brother Sean and his wife, Kristin. She is a cutie and will help make the holidays so much fun... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
Yes, the dates of this post compared to the dates of this post that I'm linking to may give the impression that I am clairvoyant. I won't disabuse anyone of that opinion, because sometimes I am. Franklin Habit did a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
This was knitted a while before Reagan entered the scene and I almost forgot about it. Sitting buttonless and alone, I finally got it all finished and on her body. In the nick of time, it seems. Pattern: Baby Kina... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
I thought of adding this to my list yesterday, but it didn't, in my mind, fall into the category of collecting for hobby or sport or whatever you collect things for. I will admit that this falls into the hoarding... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
Collect. Collecting. Collections. Those are dirty words in my house. I fight a tendency or a genetic compulsion to keep things. Or another way of looking at it, I try to avoid getting too attached to things (my success or... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
I am going to knit a sweater this month. This is my progress so far: I think I still have plenty of time. Twenty-six. PUH-LENTY! of time. Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
My weekend was pretty low key, solitude was my friend as I was home alone for much of it and glad I was because I had a plan to get a lot done. Did I? Well, I may have and... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
In former episodes of frequent posting I often found it helped if I had a plan for most days to focus my mind and get something on the page. Screen. Whatever. (For some reason that sentence came out in my... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
First, what is your relationship with caffeine? Mine is best described as dependant, but not addicted. Well. Maybe addicted, but the amount of caffeine my body needs to get through a day isn't really that much. Interrupt that daily flow,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
She resorts to baby selfies. At least she is wearing a super-cute hand knit pumpkin hat. Baby selfies are challenging, if I wasn't as tired as I am right now I would figure out how to make a slide show... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
The topic of this week's ToT brought first this thought to mind: TEN! I don't know TEN book series. That was followed by this thought: UGH!!! Book series. I loathe them. I mean, aren't they just money makers for authors... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
and I almost forgot to post. I suppose it really is too early to assume this is a habit. The first year I participated in NaBloPoMo it started something like a 16 or 17 month run of daily posts. Yeah,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
You know that joke about the policeman who pulls over the speeding woman and her excuse for driving so fast is that she is trying to get to the gas station before she runs out of gas? Yeah, that. It's... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
I don't know about that, but NaBloPoMo here I come. I know there is unfinished blog business! I haven't forgotten your generosity of donations for the Tour de Cure and will be raffling the shawls off over the next few... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
Remember last year? That was when I raffled off a shawl to support my family's fund raising efforts for their Tour de Cure ride benefiting the American Diabetes Association. I'm doing it again!!! More shawls! More fun! This shawl is... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
My dad. Deep conversations with his kids weren't his thing, he'd actually stiffen up with what I assume was anxiety whenever I tried to engage him. Never one for obviously outward shows of emotions (except maybe anger, he didn't hold... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
I'm debating how much energy and commitment I have to posting here today. I've a lot to share, but not the enthusiasm to do it all at once, though much of it should be at once. Hard to decide. I'll... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2014 at Knitting the Blues
From Vicki. Do I even have five things to say? Maybe not. I liked Vicki's things. She even had photos! I can check my camera, maybe I took a photo. Or maybe five. Typepad reached their chubby fingers into my... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2014 at Knitting the Blues