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Recent Activity
I love the banner!!! I have been using them on almost all of my scrapbook pages lately. I would love to see some more home decorating ideas.
Dilly Dally Banner and a Giveaway!!!!!
I bought these windows out of the back of some guy's pickup a few months ago and haven't known what to do with them. I finally decided to make a little Spring banner, I figured its a fun way to dress it up a bit without making a commitment :) I used the Dilly Dally design card to make the ...
Very cute projects!!!
Baby T-shirt
Last week at the Carter's store I found these cute little snap tees on clearance for $1.99 for a 5-pack!!! My mind started churning and I bought all 6 packs they had! I am always needing baby gifts, my plan is to make a bunch of these cute little shirts and have them all ready to go. I don...
Kristin is now following Jpichot
Apr 19, 2011
Kristin is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 19, 2011
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