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Seriously, are you kidding me? All this was here and I had no idea?
I finished Mavis over the weekend. Just in time for spring to spring itself. Which means that chances of me wearing this sweater before next winter are slim to none. Oh well. I can wait. Before I wove in all the ends and blocked the heck out of it, I decided to reinforce the turtleneck. I didn't...
I learned this song in school too, probably in the very early '80s. Until today I've never found anyone else who did. I can still sing it up to the M's, which is where my memory falters. I love singing out the states where the song pauses, like Connecticut and Iowa.
little girl singing all the US states
(via ehrensenf)
Gross generalization!
Marmalades for Obama
It's offishe. Marmalade-colored kittehs have officially endorsed, paws swingin', for Obama. We'll keep you posted on more pet/election coverage as it HAPPENS! What's next? birds for Nader? I think so, Mary R.
Saw a thing on Fox News today about this (my dad watches it and as a visitor I have no input). The guy was saying this is part of the feminization of American boys, that they're not men, they're "mama's boys" and being raised by their mommies makes them little girls and so on and so forth. I wanted to hit him with a big pink flowered stick.
Hello Kitty for... Dudes!?
Mens, get readeh! Hello Kitty is coming for you. And it's FABULOUS [Z-snap] Ladies, it's a new way to (literally) drive your man crazy—A new version of the famous Kitteh, created especially for (??!?!) Guys, a faceless, coy logo on Ts, watches and fanny packs? Read more here... Sparky, it'...
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