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Agreed. Not a proactive imposition of martial law coming our way with JH15. However, is it possible that this is training for some potential homeland event that has the government worried. An event that would be so disruptive to everyday life that mayhem would ensue? For instance, a cyber attack on our power grids that could leave millions without power for weeks or even months. Or an EMP or solar flare that could also cause a massive outage. If this were to occur, all hell would break lose. These events are not "that far out there." That being the case, could the government simply be running some drills to prep of this kind of situation? Although similar exercises may have occurred in previous years, can you blame citizens of Texas for being a little pissed off that no one at the federal level even bothered to ask for permission or to proactively notify citizens of this two month long exercise in civilian areas? How about the poor people of Michigan who we scared to death because of military drills in civilian areas without proactive military notification prior? You can see how trust is at an all time low.
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Jul 11, 2015