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Anna Koziarek
Recent Activity
I'm so incredibly happy to be featured on your blog!!! THANK YOU!!!
light and airy
there are so many unique styles to admire in the world of paper crafting. today let's enjoy and admire the light and airy style of these talented crafters. There is such simple beauty in the softness of the colors chosen and the light mix of products. Fryne has a lovely way of using quite a fe...
adorable line!!! love it all!!!
I would love to be a GDT but don't believe to have enough friends to vote for me :))) (sigh!)
Sneak Peek, Giveaway & Design Team Honorary Spot!
Nothing like starting the week off with some exciting news! I have been keeping secrets from you all. Let's start with this one! ( We'll be uploading a video tutorial for the above flower tomorrow, so be sure to check back!) I just love this li...
adorable line!!! love it all!!!
I would love to be a GDT but don't believe to have enough friends to vote for me :))) (sigh!)
Sneak Peek, Giveaway & Design Team Honorary Spot!
Nothing like starting the week off with some exciting news! I have been keeping secrets from you all. Let's start with this one! ( We'll be uploading a video tutorial for the above flower tomorrow, so be sure to check back!) I just love this li...
those flowers are gorgeous :)))))))))
Day 3 - A Splash Of Color!
Welcome to day 3 of the Maya Road Sneak Peeks! We hope you have been loving what you have seen so far; today we are bringing you a peek at some of our very successful Trinket Line!!! There is so much to see and drool over here so let's get started! How about some beautiful medallion flowers - t...
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can...
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2010 at Anna Koziarek's blog
Anna Koziarek is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 6, 2010
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