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I'm white, close enough to middle-class, and listen to lots of indie rock and alt-country. I am Paste's target audience, and everything you just mentioned has been bothering me about their magazine, and others like it (well, the ones still in publication) for a while now.
So what he did was, he went into a room and screamed and screamed and screamed until his voice sounded like it had been bathed in cigarette smoke and age... I never heard that story before, but I'd like to believe it's true, too. Sad, sad day.
Toggle Commented Mar 18, 2010 on Children By The Millions at Pet Cobra
1 reply
Kathy shared a video on YouTube at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 18, 2010
As if I couldn't love Freddie Mercury anymore.
Toggle Commented Mar 5, 2010 on No title at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Kathy added a favorite at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 4, 2010
Kathy added a favorite at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 4, 2010