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Thinking of getting an MBA? Read this article from impressity
After 5 years at the same software company, I do get a little tired of status quo. So I'm doing research on MBA and saw this interesting article. Share it with others... MBA still attracts applicants in spite of economic downturn Weeks ago we conducted a survey with new MBA applicants from various forums and sites, to find out whether the current economic recession has any effect on application. Our surveys indicates the appeal of MBA has not been dimmed by the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009. Survey was conducted as online and filled by volunteering applicants. Survey link... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at briankrypt's blog
briankrypt is now following Chris Alden
Dec 4, 2009
Survey tools that "really work" with a blog
Well this is partly a recommendation and partly a rant: I was trying to post a survey/poll on my last post: what cell phone do you buy and why ( The reason for that is simple, I'm quite pleased with my droid, and wonder what other folks get. So I went out there to find cool surveys that can "really work" in my blog. First and foremost, I tried the most reputable surveymonkey. Well, apparently they do not have embed survey functionality. I cannot imagine the no. 1 survey provider does not even let you embed a survey. Sending out... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at briankrypt's blog
What phone do you like and why?
Yes just like my profile says, I'm in love with droid right now. I was out there lining up in front of a verizon store early in the morning and what I got totally deserved it. And call me crazy: I don't really want to let people see me with an iphone. I know apple loyalist will bash me for this: But I just don't want to be associated with anything branded as "the most in phone", especially when all those celebrities own one. My brand name is practical and best value for the money. Anything that is a little... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2009 at briankrypt's blog
I'm a software engineering working in CA. I love...
I'm a software engineering working in CA. I love gadgets and latest technology breakthroughs. Currently in love with my droid phone. Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2009 at briankrypt's blog
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2009 at briankrypt's blog
briankrypt is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 2, 2009
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