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So I opened my e-mail this afternoon and saw that I had 5 followers. WOW. When I started this I thought it was going to be just me (probably why I haven't posted in so long) and that nobody would read but I guess I was wrong. You five followers made my day and have given me motivation to keep up with this goal I set for myself, so THANK YOU! Starting tomorrow I will put my best effort into sharing as much as possible and sticking to the original goal I set oh four months ago. Better late than... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2010 at MeLiShWa's blog
MeLiShWa is now following heatherbailey
Nov 29, 2009
Well... where to start. I decided to start this blog to help inspire me and keep track of my progress, in different areas of my life. I'm hoping that by having this outlet I will be motivated to do more of the things I want to do, because I now I will have somewhere to share everything I've done, and when I look back I will see that I've actually accomplished something. :) I am (or try to be) a very creative person. I scrapbook, sew, crochet, paint, write, make cakes, and love anything crafty. Lately I've had absolutely NO... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2009 at MeLiShWa's blog
MeLiShWa is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 29, 2009