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Katie Lou Who
Traveler, crafter, runner, adventure-er...
Interests: researching, crafting, exploring, soccer playing, goofing and enjoying.
Recent Activity
Oh my gosh! Istanbul sounds awesome! Try and find a different hostel if you go back though! :)
Congratulations!! So much fun stuff happening! I REALLY really want to win this! haha. My favorite fabric is a very bright, thick striped, thick cotton. It's a bit obscure. My mom used it to make some curtains for my room when I was a baby and she recently passed all that is remaining along to me. Extra point for it being vintage! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.... :)
Yay! Glad you have a blog! Can't wait to here about all your adventures. Bulgaria, Springbreak 2011?!?
Katie Lou Who is now following Hillary
Aug 15, 2010
They are friends! How precious! :)
Toggle Commented May 20, 2010 on The Return of Samson at Life in HD
I think this dress is adorable! I really enjoy following your weekly finds and designs. :) I just took my first sewing class, loved it, and am now in the market for a sewing machine. Any suggestions? Things I should look for or beware of? Thanks!
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2010 on A Little Bit Tropical Dress at The Sew Weekly
1 reply
The pants are adorable! You can definitely pull it off!
Toggle Commented Feb 17, 2010 on The "I Made Pants!" Pants & Skirt at The Sew Weekly
1 reply
Katie Lou Who is now following Paige Leigh
Feb 16, 2010
Katie Lou Who is now following Lyndsey Nelson
Feb 10, 2010
Hello from Freckled Nest! I LOVE the handwritten cursive on the sidebars of your blog. It's really fun and kind of make me wants to click on each word! haha. :) Katie B.
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2010 on Sewing Loves + Bandito. at Scissor Quirk.
1 reply
Katie Lou Who is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 2, 2009