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Kris Buker
Recent Activity
I've been following your awesome escapades in homebrewing and it sounds like a great time. I haven't seen it posted anywhere, but can you tell us approximately what it cost for materials and such? The missus and I have been thinking about it, but not sure if its an affordable hobby for us to try out.
As for the arcadey brewpub, that would be the awesomest slice of awesome ever awesomed. I think your fan community/followers/cult would do anything possible to make it a reality.
The Poet and the Painter casting shadows on the water
Beer stuff! I wanted to make Jaime Paglia an oatmeal stout, because that's his favorite. When I went to the shop to get supplies, though, Greg (who owns it) told me that you really have to do a partial mash or all-grain to get it just right. I'm not quite ready for that, yet, so I went with my b...
Kris Buker is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 13, 2011
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