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Mcallen, TX
I am from the Future.
Interests: i love movies, my boo, and partying. my friends call my the movie director, 2ko, kriskush, but you can call me christian.
Recent Activity
The problem i see is when the story lacks so much that all you care about is whether or not the special effects look real or not. To me its no story not good! lol
too many special effects?
Through out the years we have seen movies get jam packed with wild and crazy special effects. They create characters rendered by computers to give viewers a better idea of the character is suppose to look like. In some cases the special effects can give an idea of what some may hope for the way ...
The problem is the lack of gun countrol in this country.
Subpoenas issued over Fort Hood Shootings
Members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee have issued subpoenas to Obama Administration officials for information related to the Fort Hood gunman that killed 13 people in November 2009. The chairman of the committee, Joseph Lieberman, and the ranking minority memb...
Christian is now following Dina Cardenas
Apr 26, 2010
Christian is now following Kari
Apr 13, 2010
Christian is now following Tony Piazza
Apr 13, 2010
Christian is now following stephanie piazza
Apr 13, 2010
Christian is now following -( a J )-
Apr 13, 2010
Christian is now following Andrey Kashlev
Apr 13, 2010
Christian is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 13, 2010
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