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Kristen Diane
Recent Activity
Kristen Diane is now following Kendra Cunningham
Mar 28, 2010
Next time she brags slap her with a piece limp, raw, bacon - that's just the way you are.
Meat Muffin
Everything has meat in it. Morning, noon, and night. Meat, meat, and more meat. One of my cast mates spent two days trying to get his hands on a muffin. Finally the producer/ director says he’ll get him a muffin. He comes back with something that looked vaguely like a pastry and, what a surp...
Kristen Diane added a favorite at BLONDE LOGIC
Mar 15, 2010
KB - I lie too!
Boston Sightings
I saw an Italian guy I dated when I was in Boston this weekend. I saw him in a restaurant with a girl. A skanky girl I should say. This girl didn’t have laugh lines around her mouth, she had stretch marks. I just made that up. I wasn’t surprised to see him in a restaurant as most of my mem...
Ahhh no more boils!!
Sexual Insinuation
When I tell people I’m going to Rio, the first thing they do is nudge me and say something like “ take it easy on those Brazilian boys while your over there. “ or “Rio? City of sex. Your gonna have a great time” or some other random insinuation that I’m gonna have sex in the next 30 days. I just...
Kristen Diane added a favorite at BLONDE LOGIC
Feb 19, 2010
Kristen Diane added a favorite at BLONDE LOGIC
Feb 19, 2010
Kristen Diane is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 20, 2009
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