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Kristin Richardson
Recent Activity
I agree with Nicole! Lucky!
CHANNING I never had a way to thank you. Now you...
CHANNING I never had a way to thank you. Now you have given me a chance to finally thank you for giving me the best 16 birthday present two years ago. When you worked with my uncle you called to wish me happy birthday and left a message. You made my year and made my dream come true. Thank you for...
I LOVE THIS SITE! It truly helps ppl with...
I LOVE THIS SITE! It truly helps ppl with deppressive based bi-polar disorder! I mean I haven't have an incident since Channing started this sight! Thank you very much. This might have saved me from an episode and I love... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2010 at Post the Love
Kristin Richardson added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 3, 2010
Kristin Richardson added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 3, 2010
Kristin Richardson shared a video on YouTube
at Post the Love
Feb 3, 2010
Kristin Richardson added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 3, 2010
I get that... Truly I do maybe in different ways but my dad ruined alot of things too... So I get it and my heart aches for you and your family
i dont have a lot to say anymore becuz u sucked...
i dont have a lot to say anymore becuz u sucked the words right out of me. sometimes i fantisize how it could be. i think its a dream becuz when i come back to reality, its a nightmare. how do u live a day knowing the daughter you raised worries about you? when you should worry about her. i am th...
Yeah well its easier said than done I still HATE that picture. Only because you can see my whole body but its something I have to work on and showing this on here is helping-ish lol...
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I don't know why you hurting and I'm assuming its your dad but I'm sorry that you hurt this bad and I'll pray for you.
i dont have a lot to say anymore becuz u sucked...
i dont have a lot to say anymore becuz u sucked the words right out of me. sometimes i fantisize how it could be. i think its a dream becuz when i come back to reality, its a nightmare. how do u live a day knowing the daughter you raised worries about you? when you should worry about her. i am th...
Kristin Richardson added a photo at Post the Love
Feb 3, 2010
Thank you! Its one of those tell the kids and grandkids kinda stories :P
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Beautiful photograph. And I've been where you've been. I had those where's my love!? moment more times than you can imagine and you will find it. by best advice and im not sure if you want it so if you dont stop reading now.... lol .... anyway my best advice stop looking he'll find you. :P ps i love photography too!
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You are very strong! I admire young women like you who can stand by their soldiers. I might just have a break-down if my babe became a soldier. I say thanks to our troops and to the one's who stand by them!
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Kristin Richardson is now following Jordan
Feb 1, 2010
Thank you very much! lol
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That is soooo sweet! I absolutely love it :D And I promise one day you will love big!
I love someone, thats the long and short of it. I...
I love someone, thats the long and short of it. I don't know if I've met you, when I'll find you, or how it will all go down. But someday, someday I'm gonna love real big.
Thanks. I will do that :D
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I truly agree. I wish I could work with kids. lucky!
There is no love that compares to the love from a...
There is no love that compares to the love from a child. I personally don't have any children yet but I work with them daily. I could be having the worst day of my life and when my favorite little boy looks at me with those big brown eyes smiles or runs up to me and hugs me for no mak...
Kristin Richardson added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 1, 2010
Kristin Richardson added a photo at Post the Love
Feb 1, 2010
Kristin Richardson is now following Channing Tatum
Feb 1, 2010
Kristin Richardson is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 1, 2010
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