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Kristal Kraft^Denver
Interests: Technology, travel, cycling, reading, learning and Golfing.
Recent Activity
Kristal Kraft^Denver is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thanks Brian! What I want to know is how did YOU find it first? ;)
Kristal Kraft Cited As an Online Authority in NYT
If you are a New York Times reader, run...don't walk to your nearest newsstand Sunday morning. The Times is doing a special on High-Tech Real Estate in the Real Estate section this Sunday (February 11, 2007) and an advance edition is on the internet today. Greg Swann broke the advance story at...
I enjoy watching humming birds too. Photographing them is quite the challenge! You did a good job of capturing the wings of this little fella..
Hummer's on Beach Drive
My neighbor, Suzanne, has me hooked on Hummer's.... hummingbirds that is! She informed of the importance of keeping their feeders full of fresh simple sugar water and to change the water 1-2 times per week. They have been so much fun to watch over the winter. I'm guessing we have three hummi...
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