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Sayulita, Mexico (for now)
A woman making her way through life leaving a wake of only peace and happiness.
Interests: Social justice, creativity, travel, writing, reading, movies, art
Recent Activity
I Feel A Shift
My quest to become a writer Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2021 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
Creative Energy
What happens when you discover something at exactly the right time? Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2021 at Createful Journey
Say YES!
When you learn how to say yes to the little things, it opens up a world of possibilities. Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2021 at Createful Journey
One Month Living in Mexico
What a "typical day" looks like for us in Sayulita, Mexico Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2020 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
It's not just a vacation anymore
As we begin our seventh day here in Mexico, we turn a corner. Our previous trips to Mexico have not been longer than a week and they have been in the comfort of hotels. We are entering the phase where... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2020 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
The Great Cerveza Deficiency
Our first day in Mexico, 2020 Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2020 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
Lovely Day
Waking up in Sayulita, Mexico has a distinctive set of sounds Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2020 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
The First Day of the Rest of My Life
Day One: I woke to the sound of Canada Geese at 9:19am. Two things about this are remarkable to me. The preparation for the move we made yesterday has been exhausting. Although Dan has done most of the work for... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2020 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
In Harmony With Your Spirit
"A Woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself " — Maya Angelou In harmony with your spirit.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2020 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
What Isolation is Making Me Think About
So much has been running through my head during this COVID-19 "shelter-in-place" process. I've been journaling in several different places, but not here for some reason. Observing what is happening and how people are reacting has kept my mind and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2020 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
What have you done for the good of the group today?
Stardate March 17, 2020 Captain's Log: COVID-19 Shelter-In-Place Day 1 I've always wanted to do that. Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash Information and insights into the virus itself is available everywhere. I don't need to document that here as... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2020 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
The One Where Her Head Gets Shaved
Day 18 after chemo treatment number one. My hair was coming out in clumps the night before and it felt awful. It felt like I was broken. Like I was falling apart. On the advice of other women on YouTube... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2019 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
Catching Up
Wishing I had posted during the journey over the past couple of weeks, but instead will catch up now. I'm just a few days from round 2 of chemo and feeling good so I'm finding the energy to write. All... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2019 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
Sharpening the Axe
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." — Abraham Lincoln We are sharpening the axe right now for sure. There is a lot to be done to prepare... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2019 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
I'm OK to Go!
I've decided to resurrect my old blog in part as a communication tool to update people in my life about my current situation, but also as a tool and outlet for myself. If you know me well, you know I... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2019 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
The Day I Decided to Write Again
I'm not sure where I'm going so I'm just going to start and see what happens. I haven't written much of anything except job descriptions and emails and policies for the past several years. I miss my blog...a lot. Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2017 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
Parade Route Tells The Truth
For my own access later and for posterity...the link to the video showing the parade route that shows what #notmypresident 's support actually looks like. More to come on this and other thoughts as I resurrect my long-neglected blog. Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2017 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
I have a problem with SHRM having it's own certification. I liked the affiliation with an independent third party model better. It will be interesting to see how SHRM responds and how it all plays out.
All that being said, it might be time for some disruption here anyway.
HRCI Hits SHRM Hard on Certifications, Signs HR Equivalent of Tom Brady...
All has been quiet on the HR front related to the ongoing certification war between HRCI (who brings you the SPHR and the PHR) and SHRM (who earlier this year decided to split from their long standing relationship with HRCI and launch their own flavor of HR certifications). If you need backgro...
Spring Has Sprung
It is WAY too early for this, but since it has happened....Let's enjoy it. This tree shouldn't be blooming until the end of March. But here in northern California we have almost completely skipped winter and gone right to spring.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2014 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
The Coke Ad and Why I Love the USA
Why were people so outraged by the Coke Superbowl ad? Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2014 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
Don't Let the Day Get Away
With less than 2 weeks between today and our trip to London and Paris, I could easily be just marking time. Counting the days and going on auto pilot until the magical day. Life is too short for that nonsense.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2013 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
Closer I Am to Fine
"I'm trying to tell you something about my life Maybe give me insight between black and white The best thing you've ever done for me Is to help me take my life less seriously, it's only life after all Well... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2013 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
Batton Down the Hatches
Trying to get a handle on the coming week and it's a completely mixed bag. Here's what's on tap: Monday: Fixing the drip system, celebrating a birthday with a friend, getting ready for the rest of the week Tuesday: Chiropracter... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2013 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
Writing and Art
I needto get back into a writing habit without stressing over how cool or relevant the topic. What seems to inspire me is looking at photos I've taken over the past many years and recalling something about the moment or... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2013 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
What will I bring?
A wise woman, with whom I was having lunch today, gave me a great suggestion in preparation for meeting my dad for the first time later this evening. She suggested that I spend a few minutes either in my head... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2012 at What's That You Say, Mrs. Robinson?
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