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My brain
I am a strong, independent and deep thinking woman on a quest to save the world.
Recent Activity
stream of consciousness poetry I miss you your lack of rules/do what I want "postmodern" I don't like labels for everything definitions semantics categories beating chest small waves blink of an eye wrinkle of the nose frustration with the words blinkyety tick toc snuggly sweaty clean yet messy does anyone stop to think about how they perceive their life or how their behavior is due to their environment so many puzzles games breathe poetry eh? OWNERSHIP? fronteras de un cuerpo where do I begin and you end is this all mine my head my fingers my legs my heart my... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2012 at Drowning Demur
living. I am living. In a far away land known as Santiago de Chile. I like this blog because I can be free. I have an official travel blog that my mom and all her friends and the relatives read. Basically a PG version of my life. Here I feel that I can be unfiltered. I miss it. I miss my drowning demur brain dumps. I had to really think to figure out my login email and password just to compose this mail. I am doing a study abroad/have been for almost a year and will be returning to the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2011 at Drowning Demur
I haven't updated this thing in ages. It is a secret, unreal cyber space which I utilize for a myriad of purposes. I am so proud of what I ate for dinner that I have to write about it. Good Belly Blueberry Acai Probiotic Fruit Drink Homemade Thai Curry-- sweet potatoes, coconut milk, onions, spinach, vegetable broth, fish sauce, red curry paste, vegetable oil Cut up yellow onion, saute with vegetable oil in skillet. Add 1 14 oz. can of coconut milk and 1 cup of vegetable broth. Cut up sweet potato into bite sized pieces and add into pan.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2010 at Drowning Demur
So, officially, no one reads my blog. Which I think may be a good thing because most of it is not very interesting and simply trivial. The beginning of a new quarter begins with hope and promise for what this spring may hold: great grades, sun-kissed skin, free concerts, jobs, internships, busy busy busy me. Spring quarter means change for me and the achievement of my goals. And to do that, I must go to sleep. Just saying, I am alive and kicking. In case any of my two readers got excited about the fact that I may have slipped... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2010 at Drowning Demur
I'll use the first paragraph to bitch... I am exhausted, chilled and paranoid of the two mosquitoes my roommate kindly let in our room. I really cannot stand her and I feel bad for that. The thing is that is that with her I really tried to be nice and friendly and she has always been very cold and distant to me so I gave up on her. This week she has spent the night in the room two nights in a row (probably the first all quarter) and she snores so loudly! I am just not used to sleeping... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2010 at Drowning Demur
Kronk added a favorite at Drowning Demur
Mar 10, 2010
So.. thinking about doing a craigslist ad, since my homegirl told me that I need a man and I need to open up to people and give them a chance. I think that my new goal is to try to be more open to men and try to simply be friends and try to love everyone I meet. That said... WANTED: Male, between ages of 22-25, intelligent, charming, witty, muscular, six-pack preferred (I am so shallow), fit, loves outdoors and outdoor activities, backpacking, camping, etc. highly intellectual, driven, eats healthy food and concerned with health and fitness, great in bed,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at Drowning Demur
Kronk added a favorite at Drowning Demur
Mar 5, 2010!videos=yCdS7FvhKfk&v=4zherMkcXdo Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at Drowning Demur
Kronk added a favorite at Drowning Demur
Mar 5, 2010
Kronk added a favorite at Drowning Demur
Mar 5, 2010
Kronk is now following Account Deleted
Mar 5, 2010
Must be an organic chemistry midterm tomorrow. Obviously, with me being up at this hour.. yes 3:04 am. I'm debating whether or not to take a nap, wake up and study or what. I could nap till 7 and get four hours and study from then on. But I need more time. Plan, nap until 5:15.. then up and at um. Thank god for ritalin. Zen. Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at Drowning Demur
Kronk added a favorite at Drowning Demur
Mar 1, 2010
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at Drowning Demur
this is me. A bit apprehensive about putting this up. But what the heck. No one reads this. Sad sad sad. Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at Drowning Demur
Why drowning demur? de·mur (d -mûr ) intr.v. de·murred, de·mur·ring, de·murs 1. To voice opposition; object: demurred at the suggestion. See Synonyms at object. 2. Law To enter a demurrer. 3. To delay. n. 1. The act of demurring. 2. An objection. 3. A delay. drown (droun) v. drowned, drown·ing, drowns 1. To kill by submerging and suffocating in water or another liquid. 2. To drench thoroughly or cover with or as if with a liquid. 3. To deaden one's awareness of; blot out: people who drowned their troubles in drink. 4. To muffle or mask (a sound) by... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at Drowning Demur
Took an IQ test.. not sure that was the best idea at 2:20 am but I did anyway. The website is: Not so sure if it is actually an accurate test. It is a very shortened version of an IQ test I took before. With less of those stupid visual pattern, what comes next questions, thank you thank you. The first time I took it I got 107 which pissed me off because last time I took one I got 130. So I took it again and got 131. Yeah for me. Here's my take on it: I think... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at Drowning Demur
The Bucket List, in no particular order whatsoever 1. See all “Seven Wonders” of the World: 1. Great Wall (CHECK) 2. Petra 3. Christ the Redeemer 4. Chichen Itza 5. Machu Picchu 6. Taj Majal 7. Great Pyramid (Not really, but “honorary candidate”) 8. Roman Collisem 2. Visit all 7 Continents (So far I got Asia, N. America, Europe) 3. Have sex on all 7 Continents 4. Skydive (CHECK) 5. Hang-glide 6. Bungee Jump 7. Find the love of my life 8. Kayak, a lot (CHECK KINDA) 9. Become a surgeon 10. Live in Paris 11. Participate in Doctors without... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at Drowning Demur
This is one of those entries which is going to be deeply personal. One blog that I kind of hope my friends will not stumble upon. Its going to be a rollercoaster and its going to be intense and to whomever reads this, I am taking the time now to say don't say I didn't warn you. Its not that bad. Item one on the agenda. My sexuality. Ever since I thought Angelina Jolie was beautiful in the seventh grade I wondered if I liked women. I would masterbate to the thought of them, watch threesomes when I watched porn,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2010 at Drowning Demur
Kronk is now following Mena
Feb 16, 2010
Kronk is now following meighan
Feb 16, 2010