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zero history touches the x axis
I just finished William Gibson's Zero History, and while I'm a fan of his characters and his prose, something bothered me about the new book: it's set now. While I'm not a hard core fan or student of Gibson's work, I've read most of his novels. Neuromancer and the sprawl trilogy? Felt way out in...
Another interesting factor is that Gibson is among the very small upper echelon of writers who has enough pull to get a book shipped in a matter of months.
If I put the finishing touches tomorrow morning on a novel set "now," you might see it in stores--if I were very lucky--Christmas 2011?
By which time we'll all be using Blitter instead of Twitter, and the iPole (don't ask) instead of the iPhone.
So you have to give the guy a little credit (or in my case, perhaps, resentment) for coming out with a "now" novel that at least feels like "now" and not "two years ago."
zero history touches the x axis
I just finished William Gibson's Zero History, and while I'm a fan of his characters and his prose, something bothered me about the new book: it's set now. While I'm not a hard core fan or student of Gibson's work, I've read most of his novels. Neuromancer and the sprawl trilogy? Felt way out in...
Don't forget that Seamus Heaney line about "the bleb of the icicle."
Also, bleb sounds like a Unix command.
I'll bleb YOUR withering hay.
This Sunday took place in the shadow of a painfully blocked milk duct. The progression of events went about like this: Good morning! Wow, my tit is certainly very full of milk. Oh, damn. Hours of fruitless hot compresses, hot showers, glasses of water, ibuprofin, attempts at expressing with the...
Mac 101: Stop the iPhone from opening iPhoto
via Frankly, most of the time when I plug my phone into the computer I don't even want to open iTunes and sync; I just want to charge the phone. But not opening iPhoto will be a big improvement... Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 9, 2010 at kevinshay's blog
Whirled of Kelly: Rude-an-mints of Self Defense
via At Whirled of Kelly, Thom Buchanan has begun posting daily Pogo strips from the corresponding date in 1965 (actually, he started yesterday). Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 2, 2010 at kevinshay's blog
Put This On • Don Draper, as he would be rendered by The Wall...
via Continue reading
Reblogged Jul 28, 2010 at kevinshay's blog
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
hi there
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
b banana
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
a banana
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
5 banana
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
4 banana
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
3 banana
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
2 banana
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
1 banana
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene...
In last Sunday's episode of Mad Men, Grandpa Gene ate ice cream right out of the container and salted each spoonful before putting it in his mouth.via kottke.orgIt's fun to read all of Jason's Mad Men posts in one place. via
kevinshay is now following Sam Kimbrel
Jul 20, 2010
kevinshay is now following Steve Calderon
Jul 20, 2010
kevinshay is now following Abe Hassan
Jul 16, 2010
kevinshay is now following btrott
Jul 16, 2010
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