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San Francisco, CA
Interests: words.sounds.shows.secrets.san
Recent Activity
What a pretty dress! I love the way you used the borders.
1 reply
Adey, the dress and the balloons are adorable! And I loved the way you told us the story behind it. You made a gorgeous fix out of the botched zipper -- that contrast button placket is inspiring.
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Those shoulders are genius. Genius!!
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I love this! You look like you're on a secret mission. I sewed a cape last year and it was a bit of a nightmare matching plaids, but it's fun to wear. Thanks also for showing us a bit o' Edinburgh.
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2011 on The Sleuthing Outfit | Debi Fry at The Sew Weekly
1 reply
I love that you made a jumpsuit! It looks great. And I also have several prints I can't bear to cut into yet. Your peacock feather fabric is beautiful.
Toggle Commented Feb 8, 2011 on The Glossy Jumpsuit | Adey Lim at The Sew Weekly
1 reply
I'm in!
Toggle Commented Feb 8, 2011 on The Sew Weekly Swap/Meet at The Sew Weekly
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I'm a native Texan - my fingers are crossed!
Toggle Commented Jan 24, 2011 on A BLEUBIRD GIVEAWAY - CLOSED. at BLEUBIRD BLOG
I think your outfit looks great and your writeup was very entertaining! Extra thanks for using pretty scenery from my home state in your photo. :)
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So classy and unique, and you made the perfect fabric choices!
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2011 on Art Deco Love | Debi Fry at The Sew Weekly
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This dress is adorable!
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It's so surprising to me that you pick that particular fabric for that particular pattern and make it look so cute. And you omit the zipper. You're amazing!
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This dress is a total stunner, just like Libett, and fit like a glove. Libett, I still want you to show me how that crazy ruler-system thinger works.
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Thanks Pam!
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Hi Annie! Thanks and I hope to run into you soon. :)
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:) Thank you Suzanne.
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Thanks Casey!
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Thank you, Stella. I got so lucky finding that 5 yards of linen for so cheap!
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Thank you Melissa!
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Hi Sue, thanks so much for your kind words. I haven't done much to the second hand clothes I've bought, beyond changing buttons and very basic repairs. I have taken a couple of nicer vintage dresses to get altered at a tailor and that was totally worth it!
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Super cute fabric, and it looks like a great fit!
Toggle Commented Jun 23, 2010 on Breaking Out the Rayon Blouse at The Sew Weekly
1 reply
Super cute.
Toggle Commented Jun 10, 2010 on The Peasant Kasia Combo at The Sew Weekly
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These are awesome finds! It's always satisfying to see all your hunting around summed up with photos of the spoils. That white necklace is especially adorable.
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Hey Rebeca - thanks so much for your kind words! It's awesome that you noticed that detail, but I can't take any credit for planning it. It was a pleasant surprise to me! When I folded the material in half to cut out the pattern pieces, I did make sure to line up the stripes on the bottom and top layers. I think the chevron was a natural outcome of that. I'm nervous to try a chevron on purpose - have you tried and had trouble?
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2010 on No New Clothes: The Sew Weekly Skirt at make good(s)
1 reply
Thank you for the kind words about my dress. I'm so glad you enjoyed No Impact Man! The documentary is worth watching as well but only after you read the book. It's pretty different from the book but it's just interesting to see Colin and his family. If you're in the market for another eco-conscious memoir, "Better Off" is also great.
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Hey Kari - I'm so glad you're going to give those thrift store knits another look! It's great to have a pattern or two in your arsenal that uses a yard or less for those cute scraps you just can't pass up.
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