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Karen Turner
East Riding of Yorkshire, UK
I stitch, therefore I am
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Karen Turner is now following nance
Jun 12, 2011
Karen Turner is now following jude
Jun 12, 2011
What a fantastic palette. Can just see a set of stitched pieces based on those very pictures. Inspirational, thank you.
From one moment to the next
From one moment to the next. The palette appeals to me. I have included so many images because I want to document each one, since each one has something intrinsic. The same, but different.
Such an intense colour in the pan... but I really like the end result too.
Out of (and into) the blue
Believe it or not, this photo was taken at night. It looks almost like sunrise, but it is the moon last night. When we have a full moon here in the early months of the year, it rises above the sea, and then you can see a slither of silver on the horizon (hazy at the bottom of the image). Tod...
I agree. It's been good to see this piece grow.
critical minutia
this morning i thought to add a border piece along both right and left sides and kantha stitch this. too much. but, even for my kind of primitive sensibilities, the raw edge just wasn't right. so...just kantha stitched the plain single cloth side, right side in pic and it adds some s...
I noticed the little bit of orange disappeared from the top left... I like the plain nine patch.
what is it, day 3?
i don't even know if anyone can tell all the small changes...? anyway.... and then, am wondering why that lower left, very plain 9 patch? had it stayed what it originally was, before becoming part of this Raven's cloth, i would have "put something on it". i think. so .... what if i ex...
I really like your placing of elements on your cloths. That flash of colour top left is visually very striking. The background piecing is delightful too.
just this much
just to put these pieces where they are is causing an intense physical and emotional sensation. i could call it anxiety, but it really isn't. this is all i can do for the moment. i am going to clean house. always a good thing when you don't know what to do.
Your part of the world looks like Narnia! I like the way white reflects its surroundings.
a sense of heart
looks like we are in meltdown mode at last, expecting, at least, a few nights of above freezing temperatures. we had to break off the icicles from the roof line to keep them from getting dangerously large and had some fun creating some kind of ice fence, hoping scare away the winter spirits ...
You have such a lot going on all at once! The cut work shapes - the best kind of accident. It might help you to realise that not everyone would have stopped to look at the accidental hole and then had the ability to turn it into a lovely design. I ask 'what's the point?' all the time. I still don't know. I'm not even sure there is one. I'm probably not helping :-)
Hugs to you x
In pieces
While still playing with the experimental cloth that I started in the New Year, I had an interesting accident. I was stitching a diamond motif in black thread on a fairly heavily woven, hand dyed linen. But half way through, I decided that it wasn't working out the way I had envisaged. So in ord...
This post really spoke to me; thank you, Jude. After only a year and a bit of blogging, I have the same question too. I suspect I might be searching for meaning in a world where, to me, there is none. Maybe there are as many meanings as there are people. A conversation for self, yes.
the personal symbol as a process
i am thinking more about what i was saying the other day. trying to clarify my point a bit, trying to put into form or stitch, the process that defines a series of changes that might represent an evolution in regards to the shape of personal meaning. shapes are often learned as symbols. b...
Standing motionless in the snow still leaves footprints... what a glorious little fragment of cloth.
what if not going is just part of then going?
...a beautiful snow but so much of it. there is no path today. and my mood fell right into that. discouraged by even trying to shovel, i lost my way in every way when the sun came up and the cold did not diminish. the dangerously heavy load of snow on the roof felt like it was on my shoulders...
Yes! We were practically grounded for a time. It was real hibernation - just quiet and rest and keeping warm. It's good to be back :-)
ok....let's see what happen here??????
Just stopping by to say happy new year. A year of flight, perhaps. A year of cloth, certainly.
maybe some feathers. this one is about flight. but as a cloth...solid as a rock. and i can't even figure out what category to put it in. so i will leave it unclassified for now.
Yes, I see that too. Your stitching is so sensitively worked, Catherine.
Experimenting with tradition
After thinking that 2011 would be a year of smallness for me... as in postage stamp size... cloth that I can manage... and manage to finish... yesterday, I came up with this base (aprox. 30 x 30 cm). I was thinking about golden. Not necessarily the shade itself. But, how, at around 3pm and onwar...
Looking good so far x
ok....let's see what happen here??????
Karen Turner is now following grace Forrest
Jan 4, 2011
Just wanted to say thank you for the this; I do so love your videos. There's something very soothing about watching someone stitch. You made a delightful start to my day.
what if wednesday - the accidental beast
8:09 AM...well it is What If Wednesday. And I have just been working on something I call the Accidental Beast. Why? Because of the way it seemed to just happen. But at the same time, as I looked at the process closely, it was also persistence and intention and some inner vision that pulled i...
Back burner, front burner, oven, slow cooker, grill - all full. The only thing I won't touch is a microwave. Or perhaps that should be a microweave. You do it so well.
even longer cloth
Speaking of gathering of the things slow cooking (metaphorically speaking) on a back burner. For a very looooong time. I think it will be quite delicious. Something about redefining stitching as weaving. Have you checked the back burner lately?
There is a lot of natural dyeing to be seen at the moment, and I will try it some time but not yet. Your fabrics are very 'you'; I do love the velvet and the way it absorbs and reflects colour.
the shape of winter's edge
So the fire was going and the pot was brewing and the leaves were falling. Yesterday was a most raw and chilling day. The last of the dyeing included some bare tree branch shibori on silk. I want to use this in some winter landscape pieces. I wrapped the silk with less layering so the ties b...
Nobody seems to call it Samhain any more - the start of the 'dark half' of the year, and the old Celtic new year. One of my favourite festivals. I like the dark introspective feel of your cloth; I love the 'turning inwards' of this half of the year.
another kind of magic
What if I redesign candy corn? Shall I call it magic corn? Happy Halloween.
I have many more questions than answers.
the nature of woven cloth
There is a lack of emphasis on understanding materials, especially in this fast paced craft oriented world. One of the things I like about hand sewing is that it is a bit slower and there is more opportunity to feel and look closer and to enjoy your process. The basic understanding of your ma...
Yes, I enjoyed it too, thank you. I have some shot silk, but not cotton - as you say, difficult to find, and also quite Kaffe Fassett, which kind of puts me off. I had a go at weaving some myself once, with limited success as I only have a frame (good for tapestry weaving) rather than a loom. Much to think about in this post.
the nature of woven cloth
There is a lack of emphasis on understanding materials, especially in this fast paced craft oriented world. One of the things I like about hand sewing is that it is a bit slower and there is more opportunity to feel and look closer and to enjoy your process. The basic understanding of your ma...
Thanks for the mention and for your lovely answer. I like the thought of taking a step back before going forward. I find linen thread hard to stitch with, so it doesn't surprise me that it's tricksy to weave with too.
calmly remembering
Before sleeping last night, I did a small amont of weaving, just so I could be thinking more about it as I lay in bed before drifting off. It took me a long time to drift off. I am planning a little video soon. I think weaving on a simple loom without the aid of mechanical parts, teaches you...
As usual, I am as much moved by the comments as by your post. Faking control - I like that- is the nature of life, I think. And busyness covering pain. I have no old people left. My mum is not yet 'old', but I know that one day she will be.
Friday is go see Mom day. She is very neat. And smaller every time I see her. She seems just fine but... I know she misses Dad so much. Often it hurts me to understand. And I compensate by making a few orderly stitches. To fake some sort of control. Neatness is like that. It covers up a lo...
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