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Susan Kuchinskas
I'm the author of The Chemistry of Connection: How the oxytocin response can help you find trust, intimacy and love. I'm a journalist, creative writer and artist.
Interests: Hug the Monkey tracks research in oxytocin, the hormone that lets us love and bond with others.
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Photo by Chiến Phạm on Unsplash It's the time of year when we honor and thank mothers for all they do. I think their most important job is literally wiring their babies' brains so that they can learn to love.... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2018 at Hug the Monkey
So sorry, Victoria, I didn't get notified about your comment. What else can I tell you? I'm afraid that I can't recommend doctors. You have to keep trying until you find someone who will work with you.
Toggle Commented May 4, 2018 on PGAD: More Treatments Availaable at Hug the Monkey
Thanks for responding to the blog post, Kim. And I appreciate the info about Sue Carter. I met with her when I was writing The Chemistry of Connection. I didn't know she had moved to the Kinsey Institute or that she was looking at PGAD. I will get in touch with her.
Toggle Commented Mar 24, 2016 on PGAD: More Treatments Availaable at Hug the Monkey
You need to get oxytocin up onto the mucous membranes. I think most pheromone sprays tell you to spray on skin or clothing so someone else will inhale it, right? That won't work, unfortunately.
Toggle Commented Mar 24, 2016 on My Oxytocin Dose at Hug the Monkey
I can totally believe that your gynecologist doesn't know anything about it. This is a pretty rare syndrome and its causes are still not understood. I just published a new post updating information and research about persistent genital arousal disorder. You could try contacting one of the researchers I've mentioned and see if they can give guidance or referrals. So sorry I can't be more helpful. The post is here:
In 2009, I published a post about a doctor who claimed to have successfully treated persistent genital arousal disorder, or PGAD, with oxytocin. Since then, I've heard from time to time from women who suffer from PGAD, also called PSAS,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2016 at Hug the Monkey
A new study of prairie voles shows that they can not only tell when a member of their family has been hurt, they also show empathy. Prairie voles mate for life and live in family groups (although they may have... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2016 at Hug the Monkey
via GIPHY This morning, while I was lying in bed, our cat sat on my chest, purred and licked my face. It's a cute little quirk that I love about him. I know our cat loves me in his unique... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2016 at Hug the Monkey
Interesting comment! Covertly dosing us with oxytocin might make us more compliant .. or it might make us more cooperative, collaborative and just nicer. I think global civilization is suffering from a withered oxytocin response and an overactive fight-or-flight response.
Hi, Laurie. It's interesting you commented today, because I'm just writing another post about PGAD. Still no definitive cause or treatment, but a couple more things to try.
Interesting idea. Does the suggestion include any theories about what's happening in the brain?
Admission: I was a hippie (well, a semi-hippie). In the early 1970s I lived in my van, hitchhiked around and asked people on the street, "Do you have a place we can crash?" I still clearly remember a time I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2015 at Hug the Monkey
Here is a very alarming study from Rebecca Larke, a researcher in Karen Bales' lab at UC Davis: Female prairie voles that were given fluoxetine (generic Prozac) during pregnancy gave birth to babies that had significant abnormalities in their oxytocin... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2015 at Hug the Monkey
By Lauren Penrod Why is there an entire holiday dedicated to bringing your dog to work? Because it's good for the pets and the people. Having dogs in the workplace has been shown to decrease work-related stress levels and can... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2015 at Hug the Monkey
I love all creatures, and I'm entranced by the diversity of how animals and insects look, act and reproduce. Two interesting stories popped up for me today, so I thought I'd share. First is an aquatic flatworm that can fertilize... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2015 at Hug the Monkey
There is room for this input, Mike.
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2015 on The Mother/Baby Attachment Gap at Hug the Monkey
Mike recently shared his story in the comments on my post The Mother/Baby Attachment Gap. Physical trauma during a C-section led to emotional trauma for him and his parents that he still is dealing with. His back was injured during... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2015 at Hug the Monkey
We should not discount your story, Mike. It's very clear to me that the physical trauma to you and your mother during her C-section started a chain of further traumas and disruptions that you're still feeling. You're right to feel angry and betrayed; no one should have to go through that. I am going to respond in more detail in a new blog post.
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2015 on The Mother/Baby Attachment Gap at Hug the Monkey
Pheromones are substances that are released by one animal into the environment that other animals take in through the nose or mouth that "communicate" by changing the physiological state of the second animal (bugs, etc). Animals have something called the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2015 at Hug the Monkey
Diet Doc, an online provider of medical weight loss programs, is offering a new program called the Emotional Eating Diet Plan. It includes inhaled oxytocin as part of the plan. I spoke to Ryan Shelton, N.D., medical director of Diet... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2014 at Hug the Monkey
I think there's a lot of merit in what you say, Hafizah. Re a wife's letting her husband suckle her breasts, there is much comfort in that for both of them. Sometimes it can be difficult for a man to allow himself to be nurtured this way, but sucking the nipples releases oxytocin in a woman and probably does in a man, as well. So it can calm him down and increase their bond. I didn't know that Muhammad said that, I think that's very cool. I also find that many religious or ancient practices turn out to have a lot of validity when considered in the light of science and/or neuroscience. thanks for the comment!
Toggle Commented Dec 21, 2014 on Oxytocin, Vasopressin and Autism at Hug the Monkey
Hello, Jane, sorry my blog has been pretty dark. I had some email conversations with the acupuncturist who treated a patient for persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD). She was unwilling to go on the record because of her concerns for her client's privacy. She did tell me that the treatment was at least partially successful and that her client was able to resume relations with her husband. One critical point, she told me, is on the perineum, definitely a tricky point for both acupuncturist and client. But if you and your therapist are willing to go there, it's definitely worth a try. Please do let me know if you try this and it works. best, Susan
The latest news about oxytocin is that it helped regenerate muscle tissue in old mice. This is not so surprising; while most of the excitement about oxytocin is around its influence as a neurochemical on our emotions and thoughts, it's... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2014 at Hug the Monkey
Thanks for sharing your experience, Pancakes. As I said before, the practice in theory made sense to me when I wrote the original post. And clearly, it's been traumatic for lots of people. So, what is a possible way to bridge that attachment gap? If you have a child who, due to trauma, doesn't want to bond or be close in any way, how can you more gently encourage her to come gradually closer?
Researchers have noticed a link between Vitamin D and ASD for years. A new study explains how a lack of the vitamin could lead to problems in fetal and neonatal brain development, creating the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. Rhonda... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2014 at Hug the Monkey