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23 years old, male, from switzerland
Recent Activity
Christoph added a favorite at Post the Love
Apr 21, 2012
Christoph added a photo at Post the Love
I just went through some old pictures and found that one of me and I just had to laugh so hard...the picture is like 4 or 5 years old and I took in the bathroom of one of my best friends. They have a round mirror and there is light around him, so my eyes are reflecting that and I thought it looked weird. And I had to laugh about that picture 'cause it reminded me of this day. Or those days I have to say. We had holidays and did some really crazy stuff and we were up for at least 36 hours when I took this picture. We were tired as hell and we just went nuts. =) I loved those holidays and my friend so much...
Apr 19, 2012
this place looks amazing...
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2011 on No title at Post the Love
1 reply
Christoph added a photo at Post the Love
Hey PTL. As I told you in a post a few weeks ago, I'm in the army at the moment (just one week left). Two weeks ago, everything was how I thought it would be, but then a catastrophe happened at a village near the place we were. It was raining for a few days so the rivers stepped over the riverbeds and there were also a few debris avalanches coming down the mountains. It was pure luck that nobody got killed, but some streets, bridges and houses got destroyed. So we were sent there to help. We built bridges, widet some creeks so they won't step over the next time it rains too much, get rid of mud in houses and their basements and other things. It was an amazing experience to help those people. They were so grateful and happy that we were there. And we all were happy that we could help was unique. Sadly I got a bad message in the second week. A guy who I know fell down a mast while he was working. It wasn't very high but he landed on his head. A day later he died. I didn't know him very well, but everytime I saw him at a party he just had the biggest smile on his face and was so friendly...he was only 22 years old. It is hard to understand how a catastrophe can happen and not a single person get hurt and a second of not beeing a 100% concentrated while working can kill a young man. PTL members, enjoy every day. Do something special. Help someone out. Be nice and friendly to people you don't know. Smile. Love.
Oct 23, 2011
Switzerland :-)
Toggle Commented Oct 10, 2011 on No title at Post the Love
Well done Q. If someone wants to watch those pictures, they are allowed to. But it's really inappropriate on this site...
I like this post very much. Lost my grandmother when I was 12 years old, and at this time she was the most important person in my life. It's so hard to let such a fantastic person go, but (and I say that even if i don't really believe in god) he will always be with you. I feel that my grandmother watched every step I took since then. Good luck to you and you're family. It's gonna be okay.
You are so right. I just don't get it...I never had a fight when I was out with friends. Sure, we had some little problems in clubs, but we handled it every single time with words. Don't now why some people have to be so agressive at a place where other people just want to have some fun... Luckily my dad's friend is fine.
Christoph added a photo at Post the Love
It's usual for men in Switzerland that you have to go to the military for 3 weeks every year. So, I have to go next monday. I'm not really excited because I'll be on a mountain where it's snowing right now and it's gonna be pretty exhausting. But it reminded me of a picture of me and my very good friend a few years ago. She is one reason I'm a happy person. There is no person on the earth I trust more and I tell her everything about me...about my past, about my thoughts right now and who I want to be in future. I love her. Have a nice weekend, PTL family.
Oct 7, 2011
Hi Chan, so nice to see, that you still care very much about this fantastic site. Have fun on the set! Can't wait for the app.
Toggle Commented Oct 7, 2011 on No title at Post the Love
1 reply
Today's one of those days I have to ask myself, if people forgot about the love! Really,I don't know about that...I was having some fun with my friends at an awesome market. It is a really nice event since I'm... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2011 at Post the Love
So stupid from NBC. Couldn't watch the show, but I heard great things about it and that Jenna was awesome as a bunny...sad for her and the whole crew....
Toggle Commented Oct 5, 2011 on No title at Post the Love
Christoph added a favorite at Post the Love
Oct 4, 2011
Oops sorry, I'm on the right not on the left =)
Toggle Commented Oct 4, 2011 on No title at Post the Love
Christoph added a photo at Post the Love
My first post here was about a friend I love, so I continue with that... This picture is about two things. First, my very good friend on the left (me on the left). He's awesome and I love to hang out with him. Never in my life I knew someone who's funnier than him. But not just that, if you have a problem, he's always there for you. We have plans to move in an appartement together next year, but I don't know if this will happen, 'cause he'll be in australia for 3 months and in canada for 2 months next summer. But we'll see. Anyways, he's just great. And secondly, look a this beautiful view. It's near the place I live. I just LOVE the place. There's a lake and a pretty big river where you can swim or go fishing in summer and in winter you just have 20 minutes to go snowboarding or skiing. I just love it. So, this were just my two cents. =) Have a nice day, PTL members.
Oct 4, 2011
So very exciting! Wish you all the best and learn Korean is just awesome. All the best.
Toggle Commented Oct 3, 2011 on No title at Post the Love
Complicated, but so clear! Go get him.
Toggle Commented Oct 3, 2011 on No title at Post the Love
I'm sure it'll be okay. I know that moving to another town is hard at first, but it's very exciting at the same time. And to get to know new people is always a fun experience. Good luck!
Toggle Commented Oct 2, 2011 on No title at Post the Love
can't describe how cute she is, especially her hair...=)
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2011 on No title at Post the Love
Christoph is now following
Oct 1, 2011
Thank you for your comments...well I'm sure I'll love this site. I already like it very much. Just a little sad, that Channing's last comment is a long time ago. But well, I'm sure he has a LOT to do. =) A long friendship like that is pretty special, but 7 years is a long time, too. And I think it's not about the years you know each other, it's about the good things you share with each other.
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2011 on No title at Post the Love
Christoph added a favorite at Post the Love
Sep 30, 2011
Christoph is now following jenna dewan tatum
Sep 30, 2011
kind of disturbing but also very funny =)
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2011 on No title at Post the Love