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Happy New Year! Just thought about this, but it's...
Happy New Year! Just thought about this, but it's nice to see a movie portray a hunting-gathering type society (maybe some pastoralism/agriculture) such as the Na'Vi without it being all "oh look at these simpletons!". So many people look at... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2009 at AVATAR
Kupp is now following Zoconno
Dec 31, 2009
1. I would definitely be Jake. The conflict that...
1. I would definitely be Jake. The conflict that he goes through is one of the better parts of the story I thought. His transition from "broken" (physically, not mentally) human to Na'Vi (where his body worked normally, but he... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2009 at AVATAR
Ney'tiri is explaining to Jake how to say eyes in the Na'Vi language? Or I see you?
No title
Everything you got. Stuff on Na'Vi life, stuff on...
Everything you got. Stuff on Na'Vi life, stuff on human exploration. In particular, I would love to see an "extra" where you have the finished movie side by side with the actors being filmed against the green screen. Maybe Picture... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2009 at AVATAR
So you come down on the side of genocide/ethnic cleansing?
Maybe that's a bit harsh (to say you support that), but that's essentially what RDA was doing. You don't have to want to be a Na'Vi. I would hope that common morality would make you sympathize with, you know, dead innocent men, women, and children.
for some reason i felt no remorse when hometree...
for some reason i felt no remorse when hometree went down... i totally side with the humans; i would fight against the na'vi
I'll be in Afghanistan, but you better believe I'll be picking it up at the PX as soon as it comes out. Thanks for giving me something to look forward to, other than coming home.
AVATAR on DVD (and 3D DVD)
If you'd like your own personal copy of AVATAR, hang on until late spring/summer 2010, when James Cameron says a 2-D version of the movie should come out, complete with deleted scenes of Na'vi tribal life. But how about a 3-D version? First there have to be enough Blu-ray DVD players in circul...
Respect. Respect for the environment, for other...
Respect. Respect for the environment, for other people (no matter what their differences are). T Also, differences in ways of doing things. So yeah, we can travel to space, blow lots of things up, and have the internet. That doesn't... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2009 at AVATAR
humans also have eyebrows. Thought it was great that they made those distinctions in the movie. I also got the impression that since Grace (probably) had the first avatar, hers looked the most human, since it was the first time they tried it.
One interesting thin is that Navi people have only...
One interesting thin is that Navi people have only four fingers but Avatar have all 5. I wonder how many fingers their kids will have ;-)
Absolutely amazing movie. Seen it three times....
Absolutely amazing movie. Seen it three times. Graphics are outstanding, the characters are likeable, and I don't care what anybody says, I loved the story. Blue-Ray can't come fast enough, because I'm afraid I might see Avatar several more times... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2009 at AVATAR
Kupp is now following AVATAR
Dec 23, 2009
Kupp is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 23, 2009
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