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Recent Activity
Life exploded on me after April. I got a job, Manthing got a job, we moved out into our first apartment together, and so on and so forth. Things have settled down enough for me to actually, ya know, blog. I'm hoping to get a hold of a new camera soon so I'll actually be able to post some pictures. My current one decrees that everything must be bright orange. I've adjusted all the settings one would normally adjust to fix the problem, changed light, changed perspective. Nope. Bright orange all around. I'm not dead, or a zombie, I promise. Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at The Foxy Knitter
Busy, busy
Life exploded on me for a while, thus the lack of updates. I competed in the Knitting Olympics, both on Ravelry and through the Yarn Harlot. I decided to test myself and ended up making a sweater. I finished, too. I've been sequestering myself to my craft room so I can make all the stock for the convention I'll be vendoring at in April. Things will be quiet for a while still, until things settle down. Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2010 at The Foxy Knitter
I've been under quite a bit of stress lately, thus my lack of activity with pretty much everything. I work well under pressure but after a certain point I just go "screw you guys, I'm going home". I hit that point about a week ago. There has been more drama. I'm always surprised to see people who could easily have been my parents act like spoiled children with a load in their pants. I also find it very sad when I, just a few years out of high school, take a look at supposed "responsible adults" and wonder how they've... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2010 at The Foxy Knitter
Lack of Inspiration
I've been a little lax with updates on just about everything recently, for one reason or another. It's been quiet on the blog due to me dedicating more time to finding a job for myself and my fiance. Prospects are looking good for him, but not so much for me. Pending the results of a background check, which shouldn't have anything surprising on it, he should hopefully have a job by the end of the month. Me however...yeah, still looking. Crafting of any sort has come to a bit of a halt. I've been uninspired recently. I've got a few... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2010 at The Foxy Knitter
Eccentricities: Part One
To start off the new year I figured I'd make a post about some of the little bits of my vocabulary that may be confusing to people who don't live in my little crazy brain space. Very specifically I'll be covering one of the descriptive terms I use that often needs explaining. And that is: Hannah Montana Yes, Hannah Montana. There's a back story here, I swear. A good friend of mine took my fiance and I on a trip to Yellowstone as an engagement gift. She always carried a little bag of necessities in her backpack that had band-aids,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at The Foxy Knitter
Kitt is now following SouleMama
Dec 31, 2009
Sick As A Dog
I think I caught some post-holiday crud. I slept until 9 at night yesterday, after going to bed at midnight. Fever off and on during the day, along with chills, and the occasional throbbing headache. Thinking back on it, it might be stress related. I've been waiting to hear back from a prospective employer on if I made it to the second round of interviews since last Tuesday. I've been waiting on a package that's a week overdue at this point, and not wanting to possibly have to deal with PayPal's resolution procedures. Not to mention the normal day to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2009 at The Foxy Knitter
Home Again
After visiting my extended family and my fiance's parents, we're back home and recovering. I gotta say that my in-laws seem to have a better grasp on my actual holiday wants, though I can't complain about what my family got me. It was mostly very practical gifts, some new clothes and a handful of gas cards. Though my grandma did go to her local yarn store and picked out some lovely patterns and yarn for me. We're planning on getting together some weekend and just craft. I'm her only grandchild that does anything remotely crafty so she's usually very interested... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2009 at The Foxy Knitter
Holiday Busy
Busy, busy, busy over here. I need to finish a Rainbow Scarf for my future sister-in-law, using one ball of Mini Mochi in the Jungle colorway for that. There's also the homebrew flip top mitts I'm winging for my future brother-in-law, and the nearly finished Swallowtail Shawl for my mother, not to mention the two knitted toys I've been neglecting. So, this space will be a little quiet until I can slog my way through all of this. Expect a real introductory post soon! Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2009 at The Foxy Knitter
Kitt is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 22, 2009
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