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Carole Kurth
Recent Activity
Your glowing face proves it: 'It's (truly) better in the Bahamas'!! Thanks for sharing your vacation with us, as well as new creative inspiration. I'm also glad to know what goes in the travel art kit, and how little you need to have soo much fun. Enjoy.
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2010 on Greetings from the Bahamas! at My ARTistic Life
Mailbox, Mailbox, old or new, All the fun that we've stamped thru; Love the silver, copper, gold, Many more projects yet to unfold! We look forward to Tuesdays each week to gain the creative ideas we seek; The 'Dynamic Duo' inspires us all, Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall! Your videos inspire and wake up our senses, we laugh so hard we lose our defenses! Projects to inspire us, with which we can boast- Heck, we'll take Taco Tuesdays from Coast to Coast! I'll dream of a mailbox headed my way, and your fun invitations to 'break out and play'; I'm dreaming of metal in 2010, so I'm stocked up and ready and we can do it again!
Toggle Commented Dec 24, 2009 on You've Got Mail! at TENseconds Studio
Carole Kurth is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 23, 2009