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Kyle Mcguffin
Recent Activity
Kyle Mcguffin is now following Seth Godin
Jan 23, 2015
Thank you for inspiring and empowering us to not accept status quo! Appreciate your vision and relentless ability to wake us up in NOT accepting mediocrity. We as a member of humankind can leverage technology to take down dictatorships ie. Libya, Egypt, and I'm sure Syria will be next. We can change the world by having the vision, passion, and to not fear failure but to embrace it as a barrier for change. For the future of our children I will share this and start the conversation with everyone I know. I will not accept "that's the system and the way it is. For our children and our future we must change the paradigm. Thank you!
Stop Stealing Dreams (the entire manifesto on the web)
Feel free to read and share. But don’t edit or charge for it. If you’d like the other editions, including a handy PDF on-screen edition, click here. if you don’t underestimate me, I won’t underestimate you Bob Dylan Dedicated to every teacher who cares enough to change the system, and to eve...
Kyle Mcguffin added a favorite at Stop Stealing Dreams
Feb 27, 2012
Kyle Mcguffin is now following The Typepad Team
May 23, 2010
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