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oh my darling! your poor bahookie hasn't had much luck! I remember being stung on the sole of my foot (I was wearing sandals) by a wasp years ago and it was absolute agony! I'm sure Nurse Allan was at the ready with something to take the pain away. You will be extra vigilant from now on I'm sure. Take care! xxx
Toggle Commented Jul 6, 2010 on A sting in the tale at The Itinerants
whoops! should be it's (sorry anna!) xxx
hahaha! dearest craig, its nice to see that you've made a few friends already xxx
a wonderful achievement on your birthday my friend - bottoms up! xxx
Toggle Commented May 17, 2010 on Bumflop in the Bay at The Itinerants
fantastic! Craig looks a bit like bruce parry in this shot! (sorry for delay getting on - typepad and I had a bit of a to-do but we seem to be back in business now). miss you both loads xxx
Lisa is now following The Itinerants
May 17, 2010