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Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 631-5650(800) 799-5868Howard R. Roitman, Esq. has been practicing law for 22 years. Howard Roitman is one of the first attorneys to be recognized by the State Bar of Nevada as a Certified Specialist in Estate Planning. He is a member of the Bar in Nevada, California, New York, and the District of Columbia. He is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center (JD in 1984 and LL.M in taxation in 1985), and the Harvard University Mediation Program (2004). He is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), Charted Life Underwriter (CLU), and a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC).
Interests: areas of practice personal injury & wrongful death auto accidents estate planning - wills and trusts* social security disability veteran's benefits pr
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Wallo's father was her first art teacher, and they spent time drawing together when she was very young. She had a natural talent. When she was 10 years old she won her first gold medal for a drawing of a dog. Continue reading
Diego Corrale was killed on his motorcycle. He was involved in a fatal crash. Motorcycle Safety Program Through education, enforcement, outreach, and legislation, NHTSA's motorcycle safety initiatives focus on comprehensive programs that prevent crashes, prevent injury when a crash occurs, and reduce the seriousness of injury after a crash. NHTSA's initiatives foster promoting motorcycle rider education and licensing; reducing the number of impaired motorcyclists; increasing motorist awareness of motorcycles; and increasing helmet use. Continue reading
Medicine & Law Traumatic Injures Almost Always Involve Both If You Have Had A Bad Accident You Will Need Doctors to Treat You & Then Testify For You To win an injury case a lawyer must have mastered the art of working with doctor experts. There is no short cut in this age of "gate keeping". The Nevada Supreme Court, en banc, Maupin, J., held that: an epert was qualified is not qualified to testify as a biomechanical expert; if there is no demonstration that his testimony was based on a reliable methodology and, thus, his testimony did not assist the jury in understanding the source of injury; and it was reversible error for trial court to admit it. Hallmark v. Eldridge 189 P.3d 646 Nev.,2008. In a nut shell Nevada has addopeted the Daburt rule for experts. Continue reading
Until recently lawyers for victims of credit damage had little possibility to collect for damages beyond medical treatment, lost wages and property loss. Insurance companies threw up their hands in sympathy, claiming victims can only be compensated for what can be measured — tangible goods and services. But, what happens when the victim has lost considerable time from work, the family bank is broke and monthly payments on mortgages, car loans and credit cards payments are missed? Regardless of the haggling between lawyers and insurance companies, it’s the credit victim who ends up having to live with a bad credit rating. Continue reading
Getting an Injury Settlement is No Wining Lottery Ticket. After a serious injury the victims are taken by ambulance to the hospital, right? In fact the victims of a really serious injury may not be aware they are going to the hospital. And the healing begins at the hospital and probably involves a surgeon, operating rooms, recovery resources, other facility, etc., etc. Everyone wants to be paid for the good work they have done. Hopefully, there is a large settlement, to go around. Absent a settlement of the right size or good health insurance the debt is on the victim. Anohter round of greif starts when the debt is on the victium. Continue reading
Should men wear skinny jeans? Explain. Submitted by DenimHunt. No I don't look good in them anymore. Continue reading
If you were on death row, what would you eat for your last meal? A big high sugar starch meal (off my diet) so that I can go softly into the darkness. Las Vegas Lawyer Continue reading
I am trying to figure it all out.
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2009 on Tell us why you are switching back at Switching Back
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I like the new look a LOT.
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2009 on Tell us why you are switching back at Switching Back
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If you were on death row, what would you eat for your last meal? By Giving in on my pride, perhaps I would get a pardon. Continue reading
The self doubt & pain of loss.
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LAS VEGAS INJURY LAWYER is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 15, 2009
I would tell the young me to be diligent in all things, to persevere no matter what and to have confidence. Howard Roitman Continue reading
VEGAS MAN IDENTIFIED IN FATAL BIG-RIG CRASH A Las Vegas, Nevada man, was killed when he was ejected from his vehicle in a crash with two tractor-trailers was identified . Thrown from his westbound 1981 Ford Granada just before 2:30... Continue reading
CALTRANS AGREES TO PAYOUT T $3 MILLION PACT RESULTS FROM FATAL CRASH. Caltrans has agreed to pay $3 million to three families involved in a 1995 crash that killed three people and injured eight. The plaintiffs claimed that Caltrans had known previously that the ``twin bridges'' section of Highway 138 an excessive fatality and injury crash rate but did nothing. The settlement was reached March 5 during a conference in Court, according to court records. Continue reading
LAS VEGAS INJURY LAWYER is now following Bobbin Talk
Aug 30, 2009
LAS VEGAS INJURY LAWYER is now following Zachary Quinto
Aug 30, 2009
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Aug 30, 2009
LAS VEGAS INJURY LAWYER is now following Ali Edwards
Aug 30, 2009
LAS VEGAS INJURY LAWYER is now following Ryan Star
Aug 30, 2009