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Hello Julie! Congratulations on ten years of blogging!
My sources of happiness - wonderful and talented people, favorite thing, my own and other people's tales, the forest in the five-minute walk from the house, the river outside the window, the flowers in the garden ... I think that the list can be endless. The world is huge and it is very good in a lot; maybe even more than the poor. Question ability to see.
Sorry for bad English.
a 'better late than never' giveaway
Firstly, thank you so much for all of the messages about my finger. Happily the hefty dose of antibiotics did the trick and kept me out of hospital and I now have a normal looking finger again which can bend and, most importantly, knit (hooray!). Never again will I have complete faith in a...
Lastochnika is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 28, 2015
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