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TN Hills
I have big dreams due to the inspirational posters in my elementary school class rooms.
Interests: The Ginge, Family, Friends, Reading, Writing, Photography, Film, Nerd Culture and Art History.
Recent Activity
Thanks Tracey! I appreciate both sentiments. :)
An Update, Oh My!
It's been more than two months since I've updated this space, and I just recently started to miss it. So what I'm saying is: I needed the break. In my absence, good things happened. There are actually things to share, and changes were made. But let's back up and recap on the things and stuff: ...
An Update, Oh My!
It's been more than two months since I've updated this space, and I just recently started to miss it. So what I'm saying is: I needed the break. In my absence, good things happened. There are actually things to share, and changes were made. But let's back up and recap... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2014 at the latchkey kid
This Business We Call Happiness
(source not provided by pinterest, but that's where I found it) I've gone to write this several times, so excuse me if it isn't cohesive: Do I have anything new or revelatory to say about how to achieve the sometimes elusive (for me) or succeed in the happiness game? Not... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2014 at the latchkey kid
A Good Ol' "Fashioned" Update
This will be an update AND a fashion post, get it? ;) Where did we leave off? Oh, my 10,000th day ... haha ... yea, well let's just say many a thing has changed since I discussed how to celebrate that milestone. A trip was declared DOA almost as soon... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2014 at the latchkey kid
Thank you for those family reminders, because sometimes I can get stuck thinking I'm alone (or that I just have Emily). You are always there too!
Thank you for all of those wishes, too. I appreciate them more than you know. :)
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly(cry) -- What I've Learned in Four Years
(Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson. This is a long read, so be prepared) Today marks four years. I won't go into the details of that day, because I'm here to discuss what has happened since. No matter the circumstance, whether expected or not, when someone you love dies you mark who y...
Thank you for reading and commenting. :)
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly(cry) -- What I've Learned in Four Years
(Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson. This is a long read, so be prepared) Today marks four years. I won't go into the details of that day, because I'm here to discuss what has happened since. No matter the circumstance, whether expected or not, when someone you love dies you mark who y...
I'm trying my best, that's for sure. I'm getting stuck, but I refuse to give up! And you are very welcome!
My 10,00th Day [Ideas!]
My friend Caitlin tweeted something that changed my plans. She was in Paris (lucky lady) on her 10,000th day. She hadn't planned her trip around this milestone, but it was a lovely coincidence indeed. I'm attempting not to feel pangs of jealousy, but it's easy to bypass when said friend is deser...
I love that you can see me on TV, because other than myself, you might be the only one! You are such a good aunt. :)
My 10,00th Day [Ideas!]
My friend Caitlin tweeted something that changed my plans. She was in Paris (lucky lady) on her 10,000th day. She hadn't planned her trip around this milestone, but it was a lovely coincidence indeed. I'm attempting not to feel pangs of jealousy, but it's easy to bypass when said friend is deser...
My 10,00th Day [Ideas!]
My friend Caitlin tweeted something that changed my plans. She was in Paris (lucky lady) on her 10,000th day. She hadn't planned her trip around this milestone, but it was a lovely coincidence indeed. I'm attempting not to feel pangs of jealousy, but it's easy to bypass when said friend... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2014 at the latchkey kid
Currently: Wearing: loads of black. Please sir, can I have some more? Watching: "TNG," "Parenthood," "Girls," and revisting a few of my film favorites. Reading: I'm about to start "Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted ... " by Jennifer Keishin Armstrong. I've really been into non-fiction, lately. Listening to:... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2014 at the latchkey kid
Thank you Caitlin. It took me a while to return to my post (clearly).
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly(cry) -- What I've Learned in Four Years
(Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson. This is a long read, so be prepared) Today marks four years. I won't go into the details of that day, because I'm here to discuss what has happened since. No matter the circumstance, whether expected or not, when someone you love dies you mark who y...
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly(cry) -- What I've Learned in Four Years
(Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson. This is a long read, so be prepared) Today marks four years. I won't go into the details of that day, because I'm here to discuss what has happened since. No matter the circumstance, whether expected or not, when someone you love dies you mark... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2014 at the latchkey kid
Whoa! This might be my favorite of your couple sessions. So, so good.
Kelsey & Mikey's Greenhouse Session
I've been more anxious than usual to share this lovely session with you guys. I snapped these at a local greenhouse of the lovely (newly married) Kelsey and Mikey. I never expected this session to go as well as it did. The weather had been unusual and we weren't sure if it was going to rain or...
One Last Post in 2013
I got busy living and working, and this blog was left in the dust. Currently, I'm supervising laundry, folding and placing dresses in their right place, and sipping on water. Recently my skin has become better than it has been in years. I believe it's a result of this particular... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2013 at the latchkey kid
A Glimpse Into the Street/Oliver Wedding
The last wedding I shot took place on September 28 at a Storybrook Farm B&B, and it was a good day. I couldn't have asked for a better time. Here are a few shots that I particularly enjoyed. I send out many thanks to Ashlee for choosing me to shoot... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2013 at the latchkey kid
That Time We Ventured To Raleigh (Again!)
Wow, so it's been a few weeks? I can't even really be bothered to count. So, I've been busy with work (for real, I have actual THINGS to do beyond scheduling appointments), editing Ashlee's wedding like a mad woman, and attempting to appreciate my favorite season. I won't type that... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2013 at the latchkey kid
That Time We Looked Like Big Dorks (Taking Outfit Photos)
I really enjoyed my work outfit today, so I sent the Ginge a text that read: "Are you going to be home after I leave work? You are! Guess who gets to help take outfit photos?!?" He loves being married to me. Also, don't let him fool you: he asked... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2013 at the latchkey kid
Sunday's Soundtrack
This photo is out of focus, rather the background is in focus (instead of me). But, I rather like it. It kind of represents what my life is about. Sometimes the right things aren't very clear, but I'm trying to have fun despite all that. My hair is weird, my... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2013 at the latchkey kid
I'm already feeling a huge sense of relief about saying no. Hopefully it will start to be fun and inspire me, again. Glad to know it's not just me.
Decisions, Decisions
We all are very guilty of trying to force things that just aren't working. Do you want to be a quitter? Heck, no! Things take time and perseverance you say to yourself. However, one day you might be driving your car, standing in your shower, or wake up from a nap and just know: this is not worki...
Decisions, Decisions
We all are very guilty of trying to force things that just aren't working. Do you want to be a quitter? Heck, no! Things take time and perseverance you say to yourself. However, one day you might be driving your car, standing in your shower, or wake up from a... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2013 at the latchkey kid
Glad to know we aren't the only couple that act that way, haha. And thanks for his birthday wishes. :)
A Video About Nothing & Everything
So, I became antsy yesterday during some down time (since we celebrated the Ginge's birthday the day before, his actual day of birth was pretty mellow). I suggested we make a video. If there was any doubt whatsoever of how I appear when on camera, this video solidifies my ability to come acro...
A Video About Nothing & Everything
So, I became antsy yesterday during some down time (since we celebrated the Ginge's birthday the day before, his actual day of birth was pretty mellow). I suggested we make a video. If there was any doubt whatsoever of how I appear when on camera, this video solidifies my ability... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2013 at the latchkey kid
Ha, it is so "me," I guess. My f*cks broke long ago, but I suppose yours did too. ;)
I'm carrying knapsack full of 'em. Things at work have changed for the better, I'm an aunt now (yay!) and the seasons are gliding on by. I don't mind one bit, consider my long-held allegiance to fall. Not sure where I want to take this blog, that's for certain. The transition for t...
*blushes* thank you! :)
I'm carrying knapsack full of 'em. Things at work have changed for the better, I'm an aunt now (yay!) and the seasons are gliding on by. I don't mind one bit, consider my long-held allegiance to fall. Not sure where I want to take this blog, that's for certain. The transition for t...
haha, thank you!
I'm carrying knapsack full of 'em. Things at work have changed for the better, I'm an aunt now (yay!) and the seasons are gliding on by. I don't mind one bit, consider my long-held allegiance to fall. Not sure where I want to take this blog, that's for certain. The transition for t...
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