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I would LOVE to win this with "Olive" my heart!
Toggle Commented Feb 15, 2013 on Project Life Giveaway at HELLOmynameisHeather
This new stuck is as COOL as a Cucumber! LOVE it!
Laura070 is now following Jennifer Sodowsky
Nov 12, 2012
Laura070 is now following Clear Scraps
Nov 12, 2012
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the "Ready, Set, Go" collection! WOuld love to win it and start making some great Fall scrap pages and cards! Thanks for the chance to win free stuff!
Toggle Commented Oct 9, 2012 on Ready Set Go Week! at American Crafts Studio Blog
LOVE the cards! My favorite is the "Very Merry Christmas" Card by Danielle Flanders. Love the color combo and the shape of the card! My favorite type of cards to make is Christmas cards! Puts me in the spirit of the season! Thanks for the chance to win free stuff!
I am rather new to your site, but I would be interested in a 1950's, 1960's or 1970's to scrap pictures from my childhood. I t is so hard to know where to start with all thoses old photos. Thank you for the chance to win free stuff!
Laura070 is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 26, 2012