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Laurel Massé
It depends on what I'm reading.
A singer's singer, and a song's best friend.
Interests: Mozart, fountain pens, French roast coffee with chicory, Yorkshire Gold tea, pearls warmed by being worn, reading, the scent of flowers, la langue française, books on paper and letters in the mail, ritual, noble old dogs, sleek young cats, Sinatra with Count Basie, Louis and Monk, Mavis and Jo Stafford and June Tabor, sheets dried in the sun, the sound of the sea, The Book of Common Prayer, Willie the Shake, and waking up in the morning, every morning, to say thank you.
Recent Activity
Happy birthday, Terri, and thank you for the inspiration of your writing, your painting, your capacity to notice, and your willingness to share all these. We are blessed by knowing you (even though I only know you through this blog).
All hail!
Blessings, Laurel
Bunnies, bones, & birthdays
I'm taking a day's retreat as a birthday present to myself, and I'll be back online tomorrow. I wrote a long post reflecting on mid-life birthdays last year (prompting some lovely discussion on aging) -- so today, by contrast, I'm going to keep it short and give you some bunnies and hares i...
Thank you, Terri. Bright thoughts on a grey days, and love to you and all your house!
xo Laurel
Roll up! Roll up!
(Watch in full screen mode for best effect.) Last night was the great unveiling of the crowdfunding campaign for Hedgespoken: a magical new project created by artists/writers/performers Rima Staines and Tom Hirons. A few weeks ago, they called for a Vagabond Tribe of friends and neighbors to gat...
Entranced, and contributing. Thank you!
Blessings, Laurel
Roll up! Roll up!
(Watch in full screen mode for best effect.) Last night was the great unveiling of the crowdfunding campaign for Hedgespoken: a magical new project created by artists/writers/performers Rima Staines and Tom Hirons. A few weeks ago, they called for a Vagabond Tribe of friends and neighbors to gat...
Hi, Kevin -
Slight correction to your comment: Dame Julian was the first woman to write a book in English, as far as we know. To be absolutely accurate, "Revelations" is the oldest book; there may have been others, but there is no trace of them now.
Blessings, Laurel
All shall be well: Julian of Norwich
And in this vision, God showed me a little thing, the size of a hazel-nut, lying in the palm of my hand, and to my mind's eye it was as round as any ball. I looked at it and thought, 'What can this be?' And the answer came to me, 'It is all that is made.' I wondered how it could last, for it w...
Hi Kevin!
If there had been no Mrs. Peel, my cat's name would have been Harriet Vane, named after Dorothy Sayers' prickly but brilliant character in her Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries.
But here's a funny thing - in 11th grade, when I had reached the height of the obligatory teenage disenchantment with my birth name, I introduced myself for a time as "Samantha, but call me Sam for short"...
The loving heart is the one broken wide open.
Blessings, Laurel
Have a beer with St. Brigid and God!
Brid agus Muire dhuit! Today is the feast day of St. Brigid of Kildare, to whom I have a special devotion. Patron saint of poets and brewers, of healers and midwives (and, along with Patrick and Columba, of Ireland itself), she was strong and gentle, prayerful and practical. St. Brigid worked ...
Safe travels to you, Terri, and safe home, and blessings every step of the way.
Flying off....
I'm flying off to south-east Asia today as a guest of the Singapore Writers Festival. The writing life is a funny old thing. The long hours, the insecurity of freelance work, the crazy ups and downs of the publishing industry all make for a profession that's a lot less glamorous than most peo...
Thank you, Terri, for giving us this music today. I admire June Tabor above all other singers. When she sings, my mind falls willingly into the story she tells, and rests there, and is quiet.
Blessings, Laurel
Tunes for a Monday Morning
This week, four songs about work and working people from June Tabor (one of the great solo folk singers of the British Isles) and Maddy Prior (lead singer for the ground-breaking band Steeleye Span), who released two brilliant albums together, back in the day, under the name Silly Sisters. In...
I think we can, and that sometimes we don't, or don't see the struggle going on. Most people work hard to seem OK: they say, "oh, fine," and we accept that, because we are just "oh, fine", too; struggling, too; hiding, too.
And sometimes the person carrying the burden can't let go even when it is dragging her/him under.
Thank you for your comment, Bob. Always appreciated.
Blessings, Laurel
Darkness, darkness
Old Man Grieving by Vincent Van Gogh As we grieve with the families of those killed a few days ago in Washington, DC, I've learned that a man I knew in childhood ended his own life on Tuesday. It was not an accident: he left a note. His wife had been uncomfortable about having a gun in the ...
Ah, Kevin!
Levity is the necessary and life-saving counter-balance to gravity. As Lewis or Chesterton (I can't find where I wrote it down) wrote, some things are much too serious not to be taken lightly.
And I love it when Bernard gets bossy.
Blessings, L
Last night I dreamed of Elvis
I am on a film set, working; there is a catering tent (like Harrod's Food Hall, but smaller) where the tea is plentiful and good. There is also a Cathedral set, and an airstrip. A small turbo-prop lands, a little stairway is wheeled to the door, and out comes Elvis, who sees me, and turns to Eng...
Hi, Kevin -
Thanks for your vote!
Given the tiny size of my current apartment (about 29.5 sq metres), I think I'll take the cash.
And with that last phrase, I guess I'm now a politician...
Blessings, Laurel
So simple even a child
By the time I was standing up in school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the straight-arm salute had been dropped, the hand-over-the-heart had been substituted, and the Pledge already included the words "under God" that were added in 1954. As a child, I did not give it much thought. I thoug...
I wasn't all that confrontational in second grade, which is when the book incident happened. Unless being very good at something - reading, in this case - is confrontational.
I understand what you are saying, though, and wrestle with these decisions, superficially comfortable as I am. "Minding one's own business" can keep one safer, but it can also allow something wrong that could have been fixed to slip into a deeper wrongness, and to everything getting much, much worse for everybody. Because of that, minding one's own business is not enough. We must of course be discerning - I think this is part of what you are saying - and our discernment of what to do, and when to do it may be flawed. But in the end, the troubles we seek to avoid will come to us, and likely in an intensified form.
There was a moment when Frodo could have stayed home. But he didn't.
Blessings, Laurel
So simple even a child
By the time I was standing up in school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the straight-arm salute had been dropped, the hand-over-the-heart had been substituted, and the Pledge already included the words "under God" that were added in 1954. As a child, I did not give it much thought. I thoug...
I met Linda in the early 80s, after my car accident, after I'd left the Transfer. She was in NY doing "Pirates", and a mutual friend introduced us. She is smart, well-read, and funny, and it was she who connected me with my ever-since-then voice teacher, Marge Rivingston,who got me singing again.
Linda's a big star in my heavens, that's for sure!
And thanks, Bob, for your kind words.
Blessings, Laurel
Linda Ronstadt
By now you may already know about Linda Ronstadt's recent interview with AARP, in which she revealed that she has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Perhaps your reaction was like mine. I gasped, and then sat for a good long time, with tears falling down my cheeks. With the combination ...
Right back atcha, Baconhead!
Dopey Dildock and the puddle, and also much cattle
My cat Mrs. Peel has a lot of nicknames, things I call her when I am besotted with her, and bubbling over with affection. She tolerates them all, and rather enjoys the ones that refer to her royal and extraterrestrial origins. When I was little, my parents had many affectionate nicknames for me....
I wouldn't be surprised. And those who did write letters in the past wrote more than one a week, at least in my family. My grandmother's letter-writing alone would have kept the USPS going strong.
Blessings, Laurel
Letters in the mail
Thank-you, Wiki Gallery, for this drawing by William Mulready One winter day decades ago, I walked east on slushy sidewalks from my freezing New York apartment, and ended up at the Morgan Library. I had never been there before, hadn't planned on going there, and yet, there I was. I spent the ...
Kevin, thank you.
Blessings, Laurel
Dances with boxes
I am moving, box by box, up a narrow stair and round a tight corner, into my new home. Though my back be achy, my heart is singing. And Mrs. Peel likes the new digs. When my muddy bootprints have been cleaned from the floor, and the kettle's on, and I can think in complete paragraphs, I'll have...
Oh my, Noddi28, you cannot imagine how grateful I am for your comment. Thank you thank you thank you.
Blessings, Laurel
While I was away, and why
Moving is always tiring, but this time... wow. It took a long, long time to settle in and to recover. So many boxes, so many trips. Scorching heat and monsoon rains. A failing computer. A severe bout of bronchitis - phew! Falling, exhausted, into a hitherto unimagined lassitude, I tomorrow...
Hi, Linnie -
Mrs. Peel is doing very well. Her things were, of course, the first to be unpacked, and much of the arrangement of the new space has been created to increase her contentment. She will be the subject of an upcoming post. In the meantime, she commends you for being attentive to the more important thing: Herself.
Blessings, Laurel
While I was away, and why
Moving is always tiring, but this time... wow. It took a long, long time to settle in and to recover. So many boxes, so many trips. Scorching heat and monsoon rains. A failing computer. A severe bout of bronchitis - phew! Falling, exhausted, into a hitherto unimagined lassitude, I tomorrow...
It is always good to hear from Jack. Thank-you, Lela
New nest for a songbird
Painting by Jeanne Illenye As I have mentioned before, my life has been somewhat nomadic. My family moved many times during my childhood, and as an adult I continued that tradition. This Saturday, having found a little apartment in a small town, I'm doing it again. With every move comes a cha...
Thanks, Kathy.
New nest for a songbird
Painting by Jeanne Illenye As I have mentioned before, my life has been somewhat nomadic. My family moved many times during my childhood, and as an adult I continued that tradition. This Saturday, having found a little apartment in a small town, I'm doing it again. With every move comes a cha...
You've made me laugh so hard my face hurts! Thank you, Patrick, for sharing this.
It's the little things
My local PBS station shows Downton Abbey in a most helpful way. Every Sunday, the preceding week's episode runs an hour before the current episode, so I get to see each one twice. This really works for me, because I can watch once for the story, and once for the craft of of how the story is pr...
Thank you, Steve, for this gift.
A different epidemiology
On December 16th, two days after the horror of the Sandy Hook shooting, I took a fall while away from home. Some very kind folks picked me up from the pavement, and the good monks at the monastery put me up for the night. I drove back north the following day, jaw set in determination against the...
There is a passage about unlearning by the 17th century English metaphysical writer and poet Thomas Traherne that I love and want to share -
"So that with much ado I was corrupted, and made to learn the dirty devices of this world.
Which now I unlearn, and become, as it were, a little child again that I may enter into the Kingdom of God."
Blessings, Laurel
Gabby's gold
Gabby Douglas just added to Olympics - and American - history. At sixteen years of age, competing in the Olympic Games for the first time, she has won two gold medals in women's gymnastics, one as a member of the American team in the team championship event, and one for individual all-round bes...
Terri, my friend Paula Chaffee Scardamalia (who once wove a shawl for you) recently gave me her print of your "Devon Fox Fairy". Between homes at present, I have a few precious treasures with me in my migrations; that print is one of them.
I think of you often, with gratitude for your work. And now prayers for your safe travels thought the tricky passages.
Blessinge, Laurel
The journey through August
As regular readers of this blog are aware, my family and I have been dealing with some heavy Life Stuff this past year -- some of which resolved, blessedly, back in April; some of which is still unfolding. We're going through another tricky patch right now, and my office time will be limited t...
Summer, sweet summerrrrrr...
Writer Henry James said the two most beausiful words in the English language are summer afternoon, and lovely they are, evocative, leaves rustling in a soft breeze. But I am partial to James Joyce's riverrun, all vowels and voiced consonants. In fact, river is one of my favorite words to sing...
Carlos, I think I may have said (or meant) most rock and roll. I probably cited Mick Jagger as a prime example. London in his speech, Mississippi in his singing drawl.
I am guessing that Shakespeare could sing passably well. Most people can, and then, probably, more people did.
Blessings, Laurel
Summer, sweet summerrrrrr...
Writer Henry James said the two most beausiful words in the English language are summer afternoon, and lovely they are, evocative, leaves rustling in a soft breeze. But I am partial to James Joyce's riverrun, all vowels and voiced consonants. In fact, river is one of my favorite words to sing...
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