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Se habla awkward.
Interests: puppies, crafts, science, internet, grammar
Recent Activity
it's called lollipopping
2013 Oscars Recap, Part 1
When I say the Oscars got off to a bad start last night, I am actually just talking (Anne Hathaway style) about myself. (Yeah--best to just open up with my stance on the Great Anne Hathaway Debate. Do not like.) Anyway, I had crucially burned some popcorn on my stove immediately prior to the t...
Word. And her hair/skin/makeup are great. She could have really pulled off a bold/deep/dark color. I think this fleshy nude-y tone is about the worst for her.
2013 Oscars Recap, Part 2
Continued from Part 1 We've discussed the winners. Time for . . . THE LOSERS Anne Hathaway Uh, yeah, I hate Anne Hathaway, and yeah, it's just personal. Sorry. Them's the breaks. Regardless, this was a no. In her red carpet interview, Anne joked that the (backless) dress was "business in the...
no that is like THE EXACT THOUGHT I HAD, you are sooooo right
BERETKING NEWS: US Announces 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony Outfits
Last night I tweeted this pic of the newly-announced US 2012 Summer Olympic Opening Ceremony outfits by Ralph Lauren: Since several fellow Olympic enthusiasts/ankle sock non-enthusiasts tweeted me back immediately with comments on its ability to somehow be both dictator AND flight attendant in...
oh, i could TOTALLY tell
An Ultimate Grand Supreme GIF Wall for My Favorite Toddlers & Tiaras Contestant Ever
I don't know if you watch Toddlers & Tiaras or if you have some other way of being Horrible that's more personal and special to you (pshh, bet your vice doesn't let you make up cool words like Toddenfreude), but Alana from last week's episode is a must-see. She is an outlier even in a population...
you got it, B
Just Doing Some Internet Shopping
I like browsing the Hammacher Schlemmer site on occasion, mostly because it makes me feel like a crazy eccentric evil millionaire villain picking up a few new things for the ol' lair. If you don't know what I mean, check out their Unexpected section post-haste. You will find, among other things:...
yes--he went to the other magnet school, mom, so that explains that
GUEST POST: An Essay On Why “Around the World,” By the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Is Just A Terrible, Terrible Song
Today we've got a special treat: a guest post from a longtime friend of this blog. Oh--it would behoove you to press play on the song below prior to reading: An Essay On Why “Around the World,” By the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Is Just A Terrible, Terrible Song By Matt Price The Red Hot Chili Pepp...
we're saying "wake up the cake" now, right?
GUEST POST: An Essay On Why “Around the World,” By the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Is Just A Terrible, Terrible Song
Today we've got a special treat: a guest post from a longtime friend of this blog. Oh--it would behoove you to press play on the song below prior to reading: An Essay On Why “Around the World,” By the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Is Just A Terrible, Terrible Song By Matt Price The Red Hot Chili Pepp...
banana is my fave too!!!
Happy Halloween from the Pan-o-saur
I am so getting murdered in my sleep tonight. The real reason the dinosaurs became extinct: massive, species-eradicating depression. Don't feel tooooo bad for him. He does this for 10 minutes and gets another year of food, room and board out of the deal. (I euphemistically refer to our Hal...
and glad you liked the sims joke because it was obviously specifically for just you
2011 Emmy Fashion Recap
Hopefully I have done enough of these fashion recaps where I can now skip writing an intro justifying my continued renewal of this petty exercise and just get straight to the gown sniping. HERE WE GO! KRISTEN WIIG More like KRISTEN TWIIG, amirite?!?! (Because she's skinny AND wearing brown! G...
spoit on
2011 Emmy Fashion Recap
Hopefully I have done enough of these fashion recaps where I can now skip writing an intro justifying my continued renewal of this petty exercise and just get straight to the gown sniping. HERE WE GO! KRISTEN WIIG More like KRISTEN TWIIG, amirite?!?! (Because she's skinny AND wearing brown! G...
hahaha. oops
Labor Day Weekend Pancake Breakfast: Hind Leg Cuteness
Haha not at all
Comments on a Video
Worth noting: 1.) Jim Carrey, wow 2.) A Kid in King Arthur's Court was a thing 3.) The year I was born, apparently Nicole Kidman was Australian 4.) Keep up the good work, Jake Gyllenhaal 5.) Ditto, John Cusack 6.) The guy at 1:43 should probably rule a state 7.) Sarah Jessica Parker: I like hor...
haha, very true
Would Obviously Do It All Over Again
This past weekend, Kelly and I were walking out of the mall after a very successful shopping trip ("successful" as in Kelly bought a dress that looks like it's from 1984, and I bought a shirt that looks like it's from 1994) when we passed a giant booth labeled "Hurricane Simulator." After double...
not everything is mayo, old man!
Internet Ups Ante Yet Again; Your Move, Everything Else, Ever
Where was I before the day I saw this picture? Suddenly, I can't remember. The chimp is wearing JORTS, for crying out loud. It would have already been a good picture, due to such elements as "bizarrely wise and placid chimp expression," "adorable bebbeh tiger stretttch pose," and the evergreen...
10 months, so still a puppy but not gonna grow too much more, I don't think.
Saturday Morning Pancake Breakfast: Playdate with Oliver
This is Oliver. This is Pancake playing with Oliver. (Oliver is a miniature Australian Shepherd. He spent about two-and-a-half hours just chasing Pancake in circles. He was basically just herding Pancake, over and over again. It was awesome.) This is Pancake the next day, with what I think i...
Credit goes to my mom for figuring out the true point of this post.
A Tina Fey Story
I'm a pretty big Tina Fey fan, so when I heard she was going to be in DC to do a reading/signing for her new book Bossypants, I snatched a ticket up on the ASAP. Tragically, though, the day of the signing ended up colliding with a huge work meeting that I couldn't miss. (Meeting topic: "Business...
I thought so. Always good to hear from those two.
Saturday Morning Pancake Breakfast: Secre-terrier
I started working from home this week. Pancake is taking his new administrative responsibilities very seriously.
He tends to run a pound or so heavier in the winter, but he's still pretty trim. The angle of this pic makes him look WAY fatter, haha
Saturday Morning Pancake Breakfast: Neighborhood Watch Committee
fsfposfpsodfkapos fajfpasokfpoaksdf afkasdokfa[psdk adfkadosfpadsfkpadsokfpaokfaposdkpadokfpaokdsf Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2011 at The Caps Are My Boyfriend
I read that, too! In fact, I noticed he polished up a couple jokes from the chat to include in the Slate piece.
Official Three-Day Weekend Link Catchup Post
Above: Capybara enjoys hot spa shower. Not sure how the science works, but something about watching water pour steadily onto a zenlike overgrown rat will solve every problem in your life. In honor of the holiday, here's a highly educational post I wrote on President's Day five years ago. Thanks...
I didn't used to.
One Down, 14 to Go
Longtime readers (hi, Mom) may be familiar with my occasional use of this site as a place to publicly state my goals/and or resolutions and hold myself accountable to them (lip gloss audits, anyone?). Now that the new year has arrived, I would like to formally (I am wearing a ball gown as I type...
An Important Anniversary
Guys, Home Alone is 20 years old. Let's celebrate the only way we know how: with a list of completely random shit. (This is clearly my preferred format for celebrating fine movies; recall this post about King Ralph.) 1. Here is Roger Ebert's review of the movie from November 16, 1990. It's kind ...
Just for that, the Santa letter is going up tonight
This Is Why It Is Important to Save Every Piece of Paper You Have Ever Touched
We had a fun suprise at our Thanksgiving table yesterday; my mom had reached into some magical vault and found placecards we'd all made for Thanksgiving many years ago. We estimated them to be from about 1991-1992. Here's mine, featuring a turkey, a pilgrim, and what appears to be a flaming witc...
I am seriously sooooo glad you guys share my enthusiasm for this woman
WHOA, Has It Already Been 12 Hours Since I Last Posted About Hand Models?
Today Emily notified me that the clip I posted yesterday is actually pulled from a longer CBS News piece profiling three different hand models. This brings me to my first point: why is there no word in the English language for "the joy you feel when you realize that a glorious clip you saw yeste...
Hahaha--as I was posting this, I was seriously thinking, "If I see one more clip like this, I may need to start a sideblog tracking hand model behavior."
WHOA, Has It Already Been 12 Hours Since I Last Posted About Hand Models?
Today Emily notified me that the clip I posted yesterday is actually pulled from a longer CBS News piece profiling three different hand models. This brings me to my first point: why is there no word in the English language for "the joy you feel when you realize that a glorious clip you saw yeste...
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