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Lauren Musni
Wisconsin, US
I like running around in pixels and playing with dolls.
Interests: six apart, flickr, poetry, photoshop, photography, nintendo, blythe, english, cherry blossoms, kitties, film, blogging, books, cats, anime, writing, bjd, vox, illustration, literature, manga, graphic novels, hapa, alice in wonderland, kawaii, juxtapoz, guinea pigs, lilies, mark ryden, the virgin suicides, amigurumi, the sea, pullip, 13, giant robot, plushies, asian culture, resin, pullips, pop surrealism, vinyl toys, victorian era, tokidoki, hammies, low brow art, aestheticism, kidrobot, dollies, blythes, japan fruits, mad*l, rotofugi, dunnys, my plastic heart, virtual pets, comparative literature, tamagotchis, latidoll, pinky street, hi fructose, lola strange art, this is blythe, my paper crane
Recent Activity
Monster High Dolls - No, I'm sorry-- Pinkachu is part of my personal doll collection. ^^
Vampyre - Thank you, sweetie! Violet - Thank you so much. ^_________^ Semeeah - Thanks! Pinkachu is special in that she is a one-of-a-kind (OOAK) Blythe doll so others with her customizations are not for sale anywhere else. I think that's one thing that makes Blythe collecting so wonderful; there are Blythes out there in the world that are truly unique and special because of their customizations! There are a few Blythe forums where you can learn more about making your own, unique customizations though. ^^ You may want to check out Blythe Kingdom and This Is Blythe to find out more information about Blythes in general. ^__~
Denise - I'm so happy you like the eyechips and the photos! They're such a special addition. <3 I had originally been planning to use them on the custom I've been working on, but I changed the direction the custom was going in later in the process. That's when I decided Pinkachu would be the perfect one to wear the chippies. ^^ Brigitte - It means the world to me that you like the post! You deserve such praise after all the work you've done over the years. These chippies are amazing and I want the world to know it! Queeny - Aw, thank you, sweetie! I was worried I wouldn't be able to capture the true prettiness of the eyechips through photos, but I ended up being really proud of how they turned out.
Keri - Aww, that's so good to hear! I'm glad I could get across exactly how excited I am about Braille. You're the sweetest-- thank you!
Amber - I am so thrilled that you enjoyed reading this post. I really put a lot of thought and heart into writing it. Braille is the perfect inspiration. Kristine - I saw your tweet earlier and was touched! Thank you for the mention. <3 I put a lot of thought into the decisions behind my dolls and other toys, and it's important to me that other people know my reasoning. I like knowing that other collectors out there in the world feel the same way. And I also hope that I can help inspire those who are just starting out with a hobby (any hobby at all)! Denise - I always get excited when I see I have a new comment from you. You're always supportive and so uplifting-- thank you! Braille really is a dream come true for me. I can't imagine naming her anything else. In fact, after I thought of her name at night, I kept waking up thinking "Braille... It's perfect!" Haha. My mind works in funny ways. xD Celena - I'm so happy you liked this post. <3 Sharing a new doll with my close friends is part of the experience and that's one aspect that makes it all the more special. I was wondering if anyone would point out the irony in her name! I'm glad it was you. ^________^ Luckily, she still has most of her fingers so it's possible that she might be able to still read braille... but I really don't know for sure. The lover of literature and meanings behind stories always sneaks into my life decisions-- even dolly names!
Update: I've replied to all the emails that have been sent in up to this point! Thanks to everyone who has entered so far. I wish I had a bunch of the ButtonTails to giveaway. Maybe I'll raffle off a few Lala items next time!
Toggle Commented Mar 29, 2011 on Lalaloopsy ButtonTails Giveaway Raffle! at Kawaii
Update: All email entries that have been submitted to this point have been replied to! Check your email for your raffle number. ^__^ Please remember to leave me a comment AND send me an email! Some emails are not getting through to me right away or are getting sent to my spam folder. It will help to know that you're sending in an email to me when I see your comment.
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2011 on Lalaloopsy ButtonTails Giveaway Raffle! at Kawaii
Update: All email entries that have been submitted to this point have been replied to! Check your email for your raffle number. ^^ It's my pleasure to host a Lalaloopsy raffle. <3 I considered only opening it up to people in the US, but then I realized that people from all over the world are experiencing Lala shortages right now. That's when I decided to open the raffle up to more countries! We need to spread Lalalove around. ^___~
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2011 on Lalaloopsy ButtonTails Giveaway Raffle! at Kawaii
Thanks to everyone who has entered the giveaway so far! I've replied to all the email entries up to this point so everyone who emailed me should have a raffle number now. ^___^ Please remember to post a comment AND send me an email. Your comment doesn't have to contain your personal info other than your first name. I just need to know that you're entering so I can look for your email (which has your personal info).
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2011 on Lalaloopsy ButtonTails Giveaway Raffle! at Kawaii
Virna - If you're not very drawn to Spot's look, I'd recommend buying a Lala you ARE attracted to and customizing her to look like an artist. ^__^ That's what I did with Pocky. I loved Crumbs' sweet theme, but I wasn't fond of her magenta hair (I wish it was more hot pink)... so I bought Blossom instead. Then I customized her in a way that matched a theme that was more ME! Making a Lala look like an artist should be pretty fun and easy to do, too. ^u^ I also like your plan to wait and see which doll "speaks" to you! Oh, and just so you know: MGA finally admitted that some Lalaloopsy dolls will be retired as new ones are released. Spot is already the most difficult Lala to find (which has made her price skyrocket), so make sure to keep that in mind as you think about getting a Lala of your own. <3 I'm pretty sure she'll be one of the first girls to be retired. I still can't wait to hear which one you pick!
Toggle Commented Mar 16, 2011 on Lalaloopsy dolls: my new obsession. at Kawaii
Malin - Thanks for letting me know about the problem with photos you're experiencing! I wrote this post when my blog was on Vox (not TypePad like it is now) so all of my old links linking to Vox are no longer available to see. Unfortunately, I can't really go through my entire blog to change them-- there are just too many links! I'll add you back on Facebook. ^^ I hope you enjoy the photos!
Kristine - Thank you SO much! Your comments always mean a lot to me. I'm really happy that the story turned out the way it did. The photos were definitely a fun inspiration. ^___^ Cathy - Thankies, hon! It's fun knowing my photos can have such a positive effect on people, especially friends.
Toggle Commented Dec 13, 2010 on Apple Caveys & the monster. at Kawaii
Brigitte - Aw, thankies! I'll pass the compliment on to Kathleen. =D I really love that second photo, too. There's something so serene about it.
Toggle Commented Dec 9, 2010 on Apple Caveys & the monster. at Kawaii
Sioux - Thank you so much, sweetie!
Toggle Commented Dec 8, 2010 on Apple Caveys & the monster. at Kawaii
Analily - Thank you, hon! I had a really fun time writing this post. I feel inspired to create and write a lot more stories. n____n
Toggle Commented Dec 8, 2010 on Apple Caveys & the monster. at Kawaii
Justme - I totally agree. If a person plays and holds a hammy a lot (especially when it's younger), the hammy will grow to really become affectionate towards that person. The first day Shawn and I got Toupee, I made sure to hold him a lot so he would get used to my scent. After about an hour, he warmed up and wasn't as nervous. Now he's completely comfortable being around me. It's fun learning those little tricks along the way! Thank you for the comment.
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2010 on Meet the new robo hammy, Jacques Toupee! at Kawaii
Tea - Yay! Thanks for leaving me a link to your new blog. When Vox announced it was closing, I was in a mad rush to try to save all the blog links I could... but it was almost impossible to get in touch with everyone about doing that. I'm bookmarking your Blogspot right now. <3 I'll definitely visit you! *HUGS*
Brigitte - I really wish it was my job to travel the world to take photos for people, especially my friends. Thinking about it now, that has to be a dream of mine! Maybe one day... ^____^ Are the Snowman Caveys sold out?! It looks like they're still in stock, but I'm not sure. I'd love to see you get one! There's something about the simplicity of his face that makes him extra sweet.
Alex - Oh good, I'm glad I was able to help out with the Cavey reminder! This time of the year is full of distractions so I know how easy it is to miss something like a toy release. ^^ Don't feel bad about the lack of gift shopping-- I think a lot of people are in the same boat! I hope everything for school is going well and that everything wraps up quickly for the holidays. I'm so happy you like the photo! I'm really happy with how it turned out... after all those tries. xD
Analily - I'm so happy I could help introduce the world of Cavey to you! It's been really great meeting new people through such a cute and fun hobby. It's hard not to become totally captivated by the plushies. Congrats on getting your first Caveys! You're going to have a blast opening the packages. Mine arrived today (with the Halloween Caveys + one of the limited Renmen Caveys) but I won't be able to pick them up until tomorrow-- I'm going crazy with anticipation! I'm hoping to retake the group Cavey photo to show how my family has grown.
Toggle Commented Oct 26, 2010 on My Cavey family is growing! at Kawaii
Britta - Thank you! I searched for the purse for a long time before I was able to get my purse. ^^ I found mine on eBay. I was lucky enough to find a new one pop up a while back. I think eBay is your best bet. Good luck, I hope you find your perfect purse. ^__^
Lauren Musni is now following steelie
Sep 24, 2010
Lauren Musni is now following leila fadzleen
Sep 23, 2010
Lauren Musni is now following Cams Campbell
Sep 15, 2010
Lauren Musni is now following mikepop
Sep 15, 2010