Lauren Poston’s Favorites
Blog: A Dress A Day
Do you have a black eyelet dress? Like, say, this one, from Holly at LuciteBox? I don't set myself up to be a "dictator of taste", and I don't think I've ever done one of those "Ten Items Every Woman Must Own" lists, but if I did, a black eyelet...
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Blog: A Dress A Day
The wireless lapel mike had a short in it, so Agent Gladiolus always had to hold it at an unnatural angle to make her report. Good thing Agent Daffodil's hair served as a makeshift antenna. You can find this pattern here, along with some grab-bag offers ...
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Blog: A Dress A Day
The funny thing is that I didn't know I desperately needed this pattern (McCall's 5433, for those of you playing at home) until I saw it. And then I was all "you must -- must, I say! -- be mine." (Luckily, when I saw the pattern it was on eBay,...
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Blog: A Dress A Day
Just so we're clear: I freaking love this dress. So far I've made it twice, and if I am ever in my sewing room while the sun is up, I will take a picture or two of the ones that I've completed. (I also have two more cut out and...
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