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L. White
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More Power in Our Palms
We have already passes the phase of the glorious iPhone, apparently. Now our world is moving on to the new technology of a Windows operated phone. The Nokia Lumina 900 is the newest technology in all types of media. It really is like having a hand held computer because it is operated by a computer system; Windows. This smartphone is the new face of media. The owner will be able to operate the internet and social media apps in the newest, most efficient way. Apple is not too happy about this. “There clearly is a danger now that iPhone is... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2012 at Global Media News
Correct That Correction!
Is it really so hard to properly correct your mistake on tv?! An audio clip was broadcasted on the "Today" show of a statement by Andrew Zimmerman, from the Trayvon Martin case. The "Today" show quoted him saying, “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. ... he looks black.” What Zimmerman actually said was, “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.” The dispatcher then asks, “O.K., and this guy — is he white, black or Hispanic?” Mr. Zimmerman pauses and replies,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2012 at Global Media News
Google Art Project Expansion
The Google Art Project is a huge leap for the social media and online world. This "project" is taking the physical museum and placing them online. Anyone with a computer can now go online to The Google Art Project's wesite and view a virtual museum. They have taken the artworks of museums world wide and digitalized them. NYTimes reported, "It makes available images of more than 32,000 works in 31 mediums and materials, from the collections of 151 museums and arts organizations worldwide." Take a look at what Amit Sood, Head of the Google Art Project has to say: (insert... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2012 at Global Media News
What Mike Wallace Has Meant to Us (Final Revision)
The Media networks such as television, youtube, and newspapers are being swamped with tributes to Mike Wallace. Former colleagues Mike Wallace are sharing their memories of Wallace , who passed away on Saturday night at 93. Longtime colleague Morley Safer, who has co-hosted the legendary news program with Wallace since the early ’70s, put together a video tribute to Wallace. The video features dozens of clips of Wallace doing what he did best: interviewing famous people, including almost every major figure from the White House to Hollywood. In a look back, Safer offers a glimpse into Wallace’s extensive list of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2012 at Global Media News
Lauer Vs. Palin: The Showdown
What was supposed to be a simple phone call turned into a match up between co-hosts. It all started with Sarah Palin being invited to guest co-host on the 'Today Show' with Matt Lauer. Katie Couric, the regular co-host was asked to fill in the hosting spot on the rival of her own show, "Good Morning America." So of course, who do they turn to to fill Couric's spot? Why, Sarah Palin of course! We all remember how well her and Matt Lauer get along, with his previous digs at Palin. Although it is Palin's own fault. If she had... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2012 at Global Media News
Mad Men Gets Highest Personal Views (Final Revision)
The hit series "Mad Men" on the AMC channel just recently made their own personal all time highest views. This surprisingly, high viewed series takes place during the 1960s and revolves around the advertising business. The show involves some sharp, offensive humor and takes you back to the old fashioned, traditional view of the man and woman's places in life. While they expected to appeal to an older and more educated audience, they pulled in over a million viewers in the 18-49 age group. Even with these high views, Mad Men still did not get the top views for the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2012 at Global Media News
Once Upon A Time, Good Christian 'B's' Helped ABC (Final Revision)
Two new, hit t.v. series are helping to lift ABC channel 7. Once Upon a Time and GCB are two uprising t.v. series that are raising viewer numbers. Once Upon A Time is, at its core, a story about hope. "For us, that’s what a fairytale is. It’s that ability to think your life will get better. It’s why you buy a lottery ticket—because if you win you get to tell your boss that you’re quitting and you get to move to Paris or wherever and be who you always wanted to be. And that’s Cinderella, right? One day she’s... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2012 at Global Media News
The NY Times Just Can't Get It Right
We all know that sometimes newspapers make mistakes. They're no always one hundred percent on key with grammar and spelling. However, when is it time to say, "okay, there's too many errors?" Some will say that somewhere along 14,000 error reports a year would be too many. This is the case for the NY Times newspaper. They in fact do had 14,00 error reports a year. Greg Brock, a senior editor refers to the 34 editors in different departments to being part if not all of the reason why there are so many errors and these 34 editors have been... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2012 at Global Media News
China Blocks Television Access
Foreign influence is very taboo in China. At least three different accounts of television blocking have been recorded. In Hong Kong, all foreign television shows on during Primetime are being blocked. China Daily, an influential newspaper , "the rules were intended to bolster the domestic television industry." This will ruin some relationships that China has with foreign broadcasters who produce shows there. China also refused to televise Stephen Harper's trip back to Canada. China also refused to give any resoning. "The refusal came as Harper heralded a new era in relations with China, a relationship that would include a frank... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2012 at Global Media News
Use of Social Media Causes Problems (Final Revision)
What happens when professionals go too far on social media sites such as Twitter? They can get suspended from their job, apparently. Roland Martin, emplyee of CNN posted a tweet that certain rights groups were offended by. Due to his tweet about the Super Bowl stating, “If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham’s H&M underwear ad, smack the ish out of him! #superbowl.” Many people, especially gay rights groups, felt that this was advocating violence against homosexuals. Those who were not offended argued that he was a life long hater of soccor and was... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2012 at Global Media News
Iran Arrests Over Social Media (Final Revision)
Iran is really cracking down on the content of their citizens' social media networks pages. Recently, the Iranian authorities have arrested four people over Favebook contests such as "Am I hot or Not." This is a so called "beauty contest" where you post a picture and people rate your appearance. Iranian authorities have arrested those associated with this piece of the Facebook network. Iran’s state Cyber Police on Monday said that it had arrested two men and two women, for “promoting vulgarity and corruption.” For more serious crimes such as Iranians being in pornographies, they will face the death sentence.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2012 at Global Media News
Iran Arrests Journalists and Bloggers
The nation of Iran is arresting journalists and bloggers. Two women have been arrested so far. There are no specific charges. "The arrests of the journalists and bloggers, including two prominent women whose blog posts are widely read in Iran, have not been reported by the official news media. Rights groups and people who know the detained journalists said the government apparently wanted word of the arrests to spread informally, to heighten the atmosphere of fear and paranoia." Both of these women, like many others to be arrested are rights bloggers. This explains why they are being arrested. Iran does... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2012 at Global Media News
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Jan 24, 2012
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