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Militia in name, professional pikemen at heart
Interests: Travel, Disrupting professional units, Drinking, Outflanking, Overstacking
Recent Activity
Wherever you are, you look like you're busting to do a wee.
Nice teeshirt, but where am i?
Hi Kent, what is your email address?
Another nice tee shirt photo
But where am I now?
Good Bye (For Now)
PythonMagus is about to begin his great trek. Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2015 at Remembering PRESTAGS
Anything MI 21 can do, I can do better.
Pharaoh falls victorious
The answer to the Prestags Quiz is "The Battle of Kadesh". In this battle, the boy Pharoah Ramesses II recovers from a strategic blunder to win a tactical victory. His blunder was to assume the Hittites were no were need Kadesh. He raced his army forwards in three divisions to camp outside Kad...
A lady's dog as well?
I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK!
This weekend is gardening weekend. It has seen the end of the dead tree, it will soon see the end of the rebel alliance weed beds. This tree was one of our pride a joys with bright sprays of red flowers each summer. It was planted as one of three, and although the other two are doing grand, thi...
Cool axe! Nice hunting dog.
I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK!
This weekend is gardening weekend. It has seen the end of the dead tree, it will soon see the end of the rebel alliance weed beds. This tree was one of our pride a joys with bright sprays of red flowers each summer. It was planted as one of three, and although the other two are doing grand, thi...
No title
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Posted Aug 7, 2014 at Remembering PRESTAGS
I think this should become the official PRESTAGS toast:
"To the Ballista and the Elephant"!!
PRESTAGS Lottery Ticket Update
The first of the five "PRESTAGS Draws" has taken place. The bad news is that we did not win the jackpot, although nobody else did. The new jackpot is US $100 million which is a nice round number. Four more draws to go as the Boys weekend gets closer. The good news is that we won US$10 - enough...
See you at the Boys Weekend.
Boys Weekend Checklist
I have created this post so we can keep a checklist of all our brilliant ideas for the Boys Weekend in one place. Please add any new (or old) ideas to the comments in this post. Counting Down: Only 10 days and a couple of hours to go!
Awesomeness personified. Especially me. Militia Rules.
A huge thank you to the Python and Thygo, and all the other contributors. May this mad blog prosper for another year. The Stats: 468 Total posts 992 Total Comments 34.33 Page Views per Day 12,531 Lifetime Page Views
Once you get past 50, a high percentage of motionless becomes normative.
Ode to EMF
The true virtue of this blog is that I can argue with Paul whenever the mood grabs me, and not have to wait for the next all-nighter Armada session with an OX blocks chaser. Today I welcome EMF attached to my body! This week, I have embraced Bluetooth after a many years of wondering what the pu...
There was no use of photoshop. The counters were blue tacked to a model spruce tree, and then photographed with a print out of a spruce forest for a background. The light was natural on the three dimensional tree. That is how the nice angles and shadows were achieved.
MI22 wants to see more PRESTAGS art. MI22 has a prize of a $100 gift voucher for Noble Knight Games for whoever produces the best PRESTAGS art in the next 6 months. Children's entries get bonus points. MI22 explores the creative side of his militia personality with two entries of his own: "Vik...
MI22 wants to see more PRESTAGS art. MI22 has a prize of a $100 gift voucher for Noble Knight Games for whoever produces the best PRESTAGS art in the next 6 months. Children's entries get bonus points. MI22 explores the creative side of his militia personality with two entries of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2014 at Remembering PRESTAGS
... Conversion is needed, but all the missionaries are Hindhu, Muslim and Buddhist...
Australia Day
As Paul rightly points out, Australia is in dire need of conversion. Let us then have recourse to our Patroness, Our Lady Help of Christians. Help of Christians guard this land From assault or inward stain, Let it be what Christ has planned, His new Eden where you reign. Teach us that in C...
If you look at these statistics and apply basic Catholic doctrine, only a small percentage of the population can possibly be in a state of grace. This is what is so horrible. This will cause huge punishment.
Happy Australia Day
Happy Australia Day. Whatever we are celebrating it is certainly not a Christian nation. Here are 20 statistics: Now only 61.1% of the population report an affiliation with a Christian religion, which continues to decline towards 50%. Only 25% of the population are Catholic although it is the...
At what age will you eat them?
Ducklings - update
actually 3 out now and a 4th is poking out - pics later - the 4th was a misdiagnosis - only 3 viable eggs 'Peek a boo' a little while ago:
Passive Recreation Area (2)
Hang on, now I discover that the University of NSW library lawn has a stargate. They don't want ball games, but they are happy for a massive alien invasion to come charging through the stargate. Ridiculous! Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2013 at Remembering PRESTAGS
Passive Recreation Area
Will somebody please explain to me what passive recreation is and what the boys and I are supposed to do on the lawn! Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2013 at Remembering PRESTAGS
Don't you think the names are a bit sissy. What about Frederick Fastsword, Clement the Cleaver, Stormcloud or Aldred the Great.
More ducks
This week Louise acquired some fertilised Muscoy eggs and a drake. Ashleigh is sitting on 9 Frank, Clare & Snowy Frank Snowy & Clare Carl & Clare
A Big Thank You
A big thank you to PythonMagus for taking me to New Zealand. And a big thank you to Paul for choosing my class photograph for the t-shirt. Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2013 at Remembering PRESTAGS
Already Packed
I have finished packing. Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2013 at Remembering PRESTAGS
I respectfully suggest the Battle of Lugdunum (197 AD) from LEGION. Emperor Septimus Severus defeated Septimus Albinus near the present day city of Lyon.
Super Effort by Python
I have completed my first game of Moderni Agone and I have to say what a super effort by PythonMagus. Apart from a few minor bugs which are expected at this stage it worked from start to finish. I like the little graphics for movement and combat, and it felt like I was playing PRESTAGS. In ...
The Party is Crashed
Dear Mr PythonMagus and Mr Paul, It is with some trepidation that I inform you of the actions of all the PRESTAGS units that previously complained ( Unfortunately all of these units have ignored my directives and proceeded to New Zealand on their own account to crash the OSDC. I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2013 at Remembering PRESTAGS
All You Get is Complaints
It may have been a mistake to let the other units know I'm going to New Zealand. All I'm getting now is complaints. They should have shown some initiative like me with my long range exploration, insteading of sleeping in their counter boxes. Where were they when I advanced deep... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2013 at Remembering PRESTAGS
Thank you
I just want to thank Paul for inviting me to dinner last night. I also want to thank PythonMagus for letting me travel to New Zealand for the OSDC. MI22 is ready. First, Second and Third Platoons, MI 22, preparing for New Zealand: Reserve Platoon, MI 22, preparing for New... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2013 at Remembering PRESTAGS
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