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Santa Rosa, California
Interests: Anything labyrinths,
movies and books that spark my imagination,
having creative moments,
good friends,
staying home-curled up by the fire with a good book and a glass of red wine, or champagne, or chamomile tea.
Long walks...
These are but a few of the things that bring me joy and stir my curiousity about the wonder of life!
Recent Activity
Fran, these are such important questions... and your soul collage is amazing, it is indeed full of passion. No matter my age, I hope this card and its meaning is always with me... thank you!
A Virgin a Day: Advent 7, Mood Indigo SoulCollage®
When I made this SoulCollage® card several years ago, I named her Mood Indigo. But, in drawing this card today from my deck, I think I would call her Our Lady of the Passion. She is in the Council suit and she reminds me of what a Jewish woman may have looked like in Mary's time. SoulCollage a...
sip... sipping... waiting with you... while golden crystalline morning light fills my cup... XOXO
waiting for haiku...
chai chai maple sweet crystalline snowflakes tumble waiting for haiku... haiku my heart xox - eb.
And such joy this is to celebrate! Thank you Fran!
Haiku My Heart Friday: Shouting Out Joy
How I wish I had taken this photo but it is by Smoochiemom and was part of The Pioneer Woman blog. Heralding sunset Three girls shout joy and wonder Womanhood is near. When I spotted this photo after searching joy in Google Images, this photo grabbed my heart. I did wake up this morning w...
I think this is the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen! And your words are the pot of gold... thank you Fran!
Haiku My Heart Friday: Rainbow After Rain
White caps after rain Then Nature prisms the sky. Shay snaps this photo. My friend Shay, who lives in Crescent City, CA where they get a lot of rain, captured this scene this morning. She carries her camera when she walks and said it was fine to share this photo with all of you. To see more ha...
This is lovely... the baggage is light, it carries me, there is room on these gentle wings of grace... XOXOXO sweet eb
give wings gentle grace to this gypsy tent vision the baggage is light haiku my heart, xox - eb.
This is so lovely, in photo, your haiku, and historically... And... I may have met these two Fran... many, many years ago. If my recollection is correct, it was through other friends and at a number of social events. I was so young that I had no clue... but to find this here, after all these years and that it centers so in your life is a treat. Look what love brings forth... Thank you!
Haiku My Heart Friday: School Founders Who Loved
They founded a school Seventy six years ago It was--and is--good. I have the privilege of working at Chadwick School in Palos Verdes--and have since 1991. Now the part-time archivist, I love working with all things historical these days, and though I never met Margaret and Joseph Chadwi...
Sipping... pink sky sangria with you sweet eb... XO
rosy glowing...
pink sky sangria rose mandala exploding spin ruby pinwheel... so in the pink making blood orange mini journals juicy squishy JOY haiku my heart, xox - eb. ps: Boone (my teenage guru) is participating in the Penguin Plunge Burlington 2012 - fundraising for Special Olympics please conside...
This is so lovely Fran... if only we could remember and tap into this innocence that still lives within us all...
Haiku My Heart Friday: Innocent Life
Past, present, future Life unfolds innocently Unfettered by fear. Visit Rebecca's Recuerda mi Corazon, for Friday's Haiku My Heart.
eb... i just had the strangest deja-vu in opening your post... rainbows and orange pinwheels are soaking into the essence of my day... XO
soak it up...
this rainbow was saved for a gray and icy day soak up the sunshine haiku my heart xox - eb.
Don't you just love dog days? But the cone of shame, oh poor, poor Mollie... don't let her plot that revenge however with my boys... I don't know if you, or I, would ever recover...
Haiku My Heart Friday: Dog Days
Preparing for rain One cold last walk with Mollie Before settling in. Dog’s indignity, From a flea infestation, Mollie plans revenge. To see more haiku, visit Rebecca's Recuerda mi Corazon.
You do know that the mirror works both ways??? Lovely, lovely haiku!
Haiku My Heart Friday: The Young Self Acknowledges the Old Self
Young woman in red Takes time to acknowledge me The crone she will be. What an unusual few weeks this has been—a time of gorgeous weather, non-stop art projects, a half day in the Honda dealer for an intermediate service, two days of Peninsula Friends of the Library meetings, and organizing,...
Yes... a symphony plays in this beauty of silence...
Can You Stop and Listen?
Can you hear the silence? Can you hear the sounds of your beating heart? Can you give yourself permission to stop and listen? Can you hear the wonder and beauty in the world around you?
prayers and songs and the joy of being a living part of this beautiful world we share... XO
My spirit flows through my heart to join the...
My spirit flows through my heart to join the singing of the angels as we offer prayers and healing for Mother Earth and the beings that inhabit her.
Just beautiful Ronnie... this simple yet profound peace... XO
The Sounds Around Us
As I sat and simply enjoyed my garden today I was struck by the rhythm of the sounds around me as the beauty of spring pours forth. "As I close my eyes and listen to the everyday sounds around me I breathe deeply into the all knowing sounds of my heart. Allowing myself to be at peace with the f...
That is something I've never thought of before!!!! Thank you Ronnie for this prayer and for celebrating the chakra color of our heart! XO
Interesting, isn't it, that the color of the heart...
Interesting, isn't it, that the color of the heart chakra is green and so is the official color for St. Patrick's day. Well -- guess that calls for celebrating from the heart today!. “May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and th...
Yes... from our heart song...
One world, one nation, one people, one person, one...
One world, one nation, one people, one person, one heart brings us together. Focus on your heart today and simply send love and light and healing to Japan and anywhere affected by the tsunami's.
Here at the debut of your beautiful blog, Spring is in full bloom... THIS makes my heart tingle! I'm rediscovering what my warm and fuzzy is... I will keep you posted! Congratulations and welcome to Bloglandia! XO
heart color
How fortunate I am to circle with you, again, and again, and again... as we hold seeds beneath this snow, whispers of prayers for things we can not control, sinking into our breath and this expression of love...
prayers for Japan...
working with fragments and starting out today with where I am under a skirt of snow ever so grateful hoping to be and flower and holding Japan in my ever hopeful heart sending out prayers to a place where the sun will always rise... xox - eb.
Been thinking of you a lot... then discovered that I too am late in wishing you a happy birth day... must have been why you were on my mind! Amazing about Chelsea what an adventure, and for you and Yan... it will be great Corey. Have a wonderful time, love to all of you... Lea
Fifty Three
The sun came up, a sugar bun and a glass of grapefruit juice awaited me on the kitchen table. I got dressed: a black dress, hair tied back, red lipstick. Annie made me a tarte. I am born on the same day as her daughter, funny isn't it? Star won the hand knocker, Alan was a close second. Noth...
How did I know to come here tonight... green and blue magic called, stirring the Spring breezes outside my door, singing your name over and over again and again... happy belated birth day dearest eb... XOXOXO
of green, and blue... xox - eb.
Lea is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Congratulations to you Hardy!!! As you know... the folks at Murphy-Goode are the best!!! I think you are going to really like your new job, its a goode one!!
Have fun!!!
All my best, Lea Goode-Harris
THANK YOU! Today has been a total whirlwind, and I only have a few moments here-- From the bottom of my soul- Thank you!!!!!
What lovely treasures to your winners! Congratulations to them!
And a happy 4th to you, and hopes that your picnic was a joy, indoors or out!
We have WINNERS!
Such fun this week as the comments for the Summer Stash-tacular Giveaway have been rolling in day after day... Many thanks to old friends, new friends and those new stopping by, for all your wonderful comments on the Giveaway post and newer posts from this week too. Pink Purl is such a fun plac...
This is just so deLIGHTful! I could hang out here a LONGGGGGG time, for there is magic in this precious space... What a great peep down the rabbit hole, or is this actually a pug hole???, to sip herbaceous tea and dance a jig in celebration of the Mad Hatter herself!
Tiny Tea Party
tis the tale of a tiny tea party, of the Mad Hatter variety, deep in a glen, not far from the Mango Studio a structure was born, with delicate roof shingles the color of the deep rich soil it provided the perfect place for tiny folk to settle in....brass candle sticks, a tiny beer stein...
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