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Kim Lechleitner Miller
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I appreciate the new limited edition items and the new items that you have added, what saddens me is that you are taking away from the fun of the game by requesting that people use Farmville Cash to purchase these items instead of giving them the option to use coins that they have earned. It saddens me that you are making the game about how much money you can earn instead of keeping things fair for those of us who cannot afford to purchase these items with Farmville cash.
Toggle Commented Apr 17, 2010 on New Limited Edition Items! at FarmVille
I agree Alexander. That would be awesome to have that - and some roads as well! I want to be able to build a little Farmville Town with roads and buildings if we ever get that advanced LOL!
I love the fact that when you place an egg from your gift box into your spring basket that the GIFT BOX OPENS RIGHT BACK UP. This is SO VERY NICE. Please consider having it do that for ALL types of gifts! Thank you!
Kim Lechleitner Miller is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 28, 2010