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Canibal Lecture
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Canibal Lecture is now following Dr.Hiphop-"Fuck Hip Hop"
Aug 27, 2011
Damn homey! How many hot tracks do the nigguh gotta make????!!! Y'all youngsters today don't have any respect for anyone or anything any longer than 2 seconds! Maybe that's why your era of hiphop hasn't produced anything better than Soldier boy and lil Wayne....(the latter of the two can't even express a complete thought from one verse to the next)! I aint the greatest Scott Storch fan but I can't deny this "white boy" as you call him.... is one of the illest producers of this hiphop decade.
Scott Storch Says He's No Ordinary Piano Man, "I'm Not Just A Track Maker" [Video]
Producer Scott Storch has revealed plans to put together an upcoming compilation album in the same vein as DJ Khaled projects but with a more broad presentation of musical genres.
Your best friend calls you and tells you he/she's really sick? How do you show you care?
Damn! How many hot tracks does the nigguh have to make!!!???? What the fuck difference does it make if he hadn't had a hot track on the aint like he aint probably got an ass load of beats just waitin' in the wings. Y'all fans today ain't about shit....Wishy-washy mutherfuckers! That's why all y'all music sucks......y'all don't respect shit.....everything is flash-in-the-pan bullshit! Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2011 at Canibal Lecture's blog
Canibal Lecture is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 27, 2011
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