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I love the idea of an editorial schedule, Donna. That one idea alone may get me back into Podcasting! Thanks from the blisteringly hot Adelaide Hills
Coming up with podcast ideas
Last week I again had the pleasure of speaking about podcasting with my friend Joan Vinall-Cox’s class at the University of Toronto. This year she’s teaching Documentary Scripting. I shared my own experiences with podcasting since I began in 2005, discussed the role of podcasting in communicat...
'Celeb' books or 'non' books have been around for ages. I still prize my copy of 'Real Men Don't Eat Quiche'. But I agree that some publishers would be better served by staying away from them and thus ensuring their reputation stays intact.
Should we boycott (some) books?
Publishers publish fake books because, if you have an “author” who has some larger cause to promote, the publisher gets free promotion. What the publisher has traded for such an abundance of promotion is its own brand. HarperCollins does not really believe Sarah Palin has written a valuable book...
Leehopkins is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 25, 2009
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