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Lee Mullin
Sheffield, UK
Recent Activity
Great to catch up Shaan, what an AU, still recovering now!
Toggle Commented Nov 23, 2018 on Thank You at Between the Lines
1 reply
It seems like 2017 is a huge year for birthdays at Autodesk, earlier this year Autodesk celebrated its 35th birthday, Revit celebrated its 15 years' anniversary since acquisition, and now Navisworks is celebrating a double header! 20 years ago, today, the first code was committed to the original commercial release... Continue reading
For those that follow me on social media you may have seen we've been trying out something a bit different to get news to you about tips, tricks, news and information about products in the form of a YouTube channel. The European team of technical specialists has set up a... Continue reading
Hi Michael, You need to import them through the Sheet Browser
Hi Jørgen, if you can export the model properties then you should be able to use the same technique. I'm not familiar with the Openplant interface but see if it has a tool similar to the "Open Data Group Explorer"
Navisworks has long been a place to aggregate models and data into one place for advanced design review and clash detection. One of the key ways to get value from Navisworks is ensuring as many object properties are included in the model as possible. This blog explains the process to... Continue reading
Lee Mullin is now following Anthony Hauck
Jan 19, 2017
One of the main uses for laser scanning in construction has been checking your 3D CAD and BIM against the real world situation, to check some refurbishment work will fit or the next trade can install their HVAC run rather than turn up onsite and not be able to work.... Continue reading
You only need to do fancy renderings to win bids right? Show off to the client how their shiny new project is going to look? A common misconception about rendering is that it's a way to get a computer generated model as close to the real thing as possible, and... Continue reading
I can't believe #AU2016 is just around the corner! Partly because it's a couple of weeks earlier, partly just because construction at Autodesk has exploded this year and we haven't had much time to stop! To give you an idea of how important construction is to us here, here's a... Continue reading
As a rule of thumb yes they should be, as the model viewing is using a different core this should improve performance too as well as ensuring everyone is on the latest files.
Hi Robert, This is inbuilt for 2016, no need for a separate app
Hi Jim, Hopefully support have now been in touch
Hi Sherif, Yes as long as you get the ODBC driver and have a suitable string to query the data
Today we launch Industry Collections, it's a new way of thinking about how to access software and is a perfect fit for construction. Based on a term license they allow you to easily scale up and down during the course of a construction project and include contingent employees in software... Continue reading
Interoperability in the software used for project design and construction is vital to the collaborative process required by the AEC industry. More than that, interoperability is good business for AEC firms and asset owners. Our recent agreement with Trimble to increase interoperability by exchanging APIs and developer tools is one... Continue reading
Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday Beyond Design!! Happy Birthday to us! Five years ago today myself and Paul Walker launched this Beyond Design blog. When we first launched our aim was to "focus on the functionality, workflows and interoperability between Autodesk Construction solutions". At that... Continue reading
As long as you have a unique ID there's nothing to prevent you linking at any level of the selection tree