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Lee Thrash
Recent Activity
What a gift. I love how you shared this.
you are whole
I routinely receive inspiration or solutions to problems during the state between sleeping and waking. Fall 2012 was a really rough time. I won't go into detail, but one night I heard this clearly: You are whole. You are not broken. Give. And give up. After being struck by the beauty and simpl...
ZOMG, this post!! Love it, Julie! HPR's comment made my day. :)
Just in time for my birthday.
Got this in a Money Mailer® yesterday. People, you have got to click to embiggen. A coupon. From a cemetery Memorial Garden. I just. So, the coupons have no expiration date! (HPR: "Even though YOU do!") I have no idea what a "Complimentary Emergency Space" is, but I can imagine - you're headin...
I can't believe I never commented on this. I keep coming back to it (even in January) and laughing heartily. "Prince of Peace out" is genius. ;)
more nativity hijinks
I have chronicled past adventures of our crèche figurines. This morning, Roo asked me to help her put her baby Jesus into a perfect-scale VW bus. "I've gotta split, Ma. Nice threads, Wise brothers." And a close-up: "Prince of Peace out."
Lee Thrash is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 22, 2010
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