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The emoji coasters are awesome! I'll have to task my son with making some with the (crazy amount of) Perler beads that we have. When he started his blog, he actually made social media icons out of Perler beads and we scanned them to use as social media buttons. He has a few other posts of Perler bead creations too:
I hadn't thought of using his icons as coasters - thanks for the idea!
hama or perler bead emoji coasters/fridge magnets
I'm so lucky our girls love to craft, being a craft lover or obsessed person myself... Each girl has a different style and way of doing things. One is more into her crafts than the other two and that would be my middle girl, Heidi. Chloe still loves to paint and make things, but she can easi... is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 14, 2015
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