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Leiderleider is now following Legacy Code Retreat
Jan 4, 2012
Thank you Jurgen for supplying words to this topic. It expresses quite clearly what I have been thinking of for a long time. It surely will help me communicate simpler with others about this topic.
The only thing that is not really easy ist the word "linearization". One aspect to me is that in your horizontal dimension to me it feels like crossing steps whilst on the other hand moving vertically is rather a linear process with every "value" possible.
I believe you describe something that covers the dimensions Quantity (vertical) and Quality (horizontal).
Simplicity: A New Model
Note: This article will be is part of the book Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders. Ah, simplicity. We all seem to want it, but we rarely seem to get it. Many experts have discussed simplicity and complexity. But their contributions often confuse various terms, whi...
Leiderleider is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 7, 2010
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