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Interests: Rubber stamping and paper crafts...of course! Reading, visiting the beach, hanging out with friends, going to the movies
Recent Activity
Julie...this is just pure genius. I almost peed my pants when I saw it. It's amazing. Now I'm thinking I might need to go back and order all of the parts so that I can make one for myself. Wow, wow, wow!
MFT Teasers - Die-namics Feature and Pre-Release Pep Rally!
Now that we've teased and tempted you all week long, it's almost time for you to grab all of your favorite Brand Spankin' New products from MFT. But first…it's time for our Die-namics Feature and Pre-Release PEP Rally! Our Design Team has been busy creating jaw-dropping and inspiring pr...
Cute,'s a turtle parade!!
TCP150 - And Baby Makes ....
This weeks TCP Tuesday Challenge was a fabulous sketch. I decided to break out some of the new goodies I recently purchased and I created a card using the adorable, And Baby Makes... stamp set. This sweet set has been sitting in my stash for months and this is the first time I have inked it u...
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