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You can always call me to vent! xoxo
Put 'Em Up!
When I was younger my Mother bought me and my sisters beach towels, each one had a different cartoon character on it so there would be no arguments over which towel belonged to who, we would know our towel by our character. My towel was Bugs Bunny, my sister Robin’s towel was Yosemite Sam. ...
PLEASE NOTE: Stoffe did not write the comment directly above - I did. I didn't realize I was signed in to his account. Sorry Stofferman for making you sound like a woman.
Anyway, I am so proud of you Mandy! It takes a lot of courage to share your goals with the world. I know how far you have come in just being able to do that. Cheers, Bravo & PipPip to you, Girl!! xoxo
The List
For whatever reason growing up food was always a big deal in my house. Before you say "Well, wasn't in most homes?" It was a little bit of an obsession for us. My sister once literally O.D.'d on Flintstone vitamins. Those little guys were delish! I would've beat her to it had I not had visi...
Missy is now following manda
May 14, 2010
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