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Lemony Zest
lemons love tabby cats.
Interests: mac and cheese, writing, acting, daydreaming, mario kart, reading, being in New York City and Chicago at Christmastime, listening to music, watching movies, going to stores, Yoshi, cats, walking in cities at nighttime, the Christmas season, pretty red dresses, MacBooks. casio exilim cameras, chocolate chip cookies, Spring Break, money, Europe, trying to learn German and French
Recent Activity
I'm done with all my projects!! Now I can sit back and realx, and not be in school today.. or not. I really wish we could have class outside because it looks really gorgeous and sunny and such.. :) Well, at least I can walk home and enjoy the sunshine!... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2010 at Lemony Zest's blog
Today, I have a plan - the plan is as follows: Get my paragraphs done in humanities, possibly finish on chemistry in eighth period, go home, get pictures for humanities project, turn it all in tomorrow, then hopefully not have to come to school Tursday. Oh yeah.... :D I think... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2010 at Lemony Zest's blog
I'm in the midst of humanities class right now. On the computer, theoretically doing research for my project. Instead, you will find, I am on here. Being badass.:) So, what's new with you? Are you doing good? Well? I can't wait for Spring Break to come. I'm going to South... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2010 at Lemony Zest's blog
My audition went pretty well, all things considered. (I don't know why I added that last part, it's just something I've always wanted to say. Now my life is complete. :)) I love Gorillaz. Sorry, spasm. I'm listening to them right now, that's why I said that. Sometimes I wish... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2010 at Lemony Zest's blog
The snow is melting and this computer is being ridiculously slow. In other news, I can eat chocolate again!!!!!!! Hallelujah! I haven't had cookies in almost over two weeks! Do you know what that's like for me?!?! Okay, here's a plan for the week: Monday - Hopefully convince my mother... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2010 at Lemony Zest's blog
Lemony Zest is now following Ali Edwards
Feb 19, 2010
Lemony Zest is now following Account Deleted
Feb 19, 2010
Lemony Zest is now following Jane (sea of shoes)
Feb 19, 2010
Here I am, with a stomachache, a bad throat, and a horrible conscience. I got a book from the library that everyone read in like, eighth grade, and I'm just starting. I feel like a late bloomer. ;) It's not really that good - then again, it's not that bad... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2010 at Lemony Zest's blog
Hi, and welcome to my blog! ... Nothing exciting is going on today. I mean, asides from having no school for the third day in a row (!!) which is an event in of itself. Although admittedly the first day doesn't count since it was a holiday and all... Yesterday... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2010 at Lemony Zest's blog
Lemony Zest is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 17, 2010