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Leonie Wise
Recent Activity
Leonie Wise is now following Caroline Somp
Sep 11, 2010
you are SO clever! how on earth you come up with all these ideas is astonishing!
i think i need you as my stylist.
hello... i don't know if anyone still reads this...
hello... i don't know if anyone still reads this blog, but if you do, and you'd like to see more then i've begun another journal of sorts. i posted photos on it this spring, just for myself, but not much writing yet. in any case, you are most welcome to come by. caroline / linn x
Meet Frida :)
Now I ask you. Isn't she the most beautiful little creature you have ever seen? Letting her go tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that the weather is favourable for her. Then she'll make her journey to Mexico, in true bohemian style...mapless and happily enjoying all the moments o...
Leonie Wise is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 4, 2010
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